Elder Lynn A. Mickelsen of the Seventy created the Buenos Aires Argentina Monte Grande Stake, which includes the Adrogue, Claypole, Ezeiza, Longchamps, Luis Guillon and Monte Grande wards.
Elder William R. Bradford of the Seventy created the Chiclayo Peru North Stake, which includes the Latina, Los Proceres, Lujan, Moshoqueque and Urrunaga wards, and the Jose Leonardo Ortiz and Primero De Mayo branches.Elder Harold G. Hillam of the Seventy created the Fortaleza Brazil Bom Sucesso Stake, which includes the Conjunto Ceara, Conjunto Novo Ceara and Parangaba wards, and the Maranguape, Novo Maracanau and Sobral branches.
Elsewhere, stakes were reorganized in Argentina, Brazil, Hong Kong, and Peru, and in Alabama, California, Illinois, Montana, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA MONTE GRANDE STAKE: (Nov. 10, 1991) Created from the Buenos Aires Argentina Banfield and Quilmes Argentina stakes. President - Hugo Vicente Ricciuti, 39, carpentry shop owner, former stake president and high councilor, married Marta Lilia Zabra. Counselors - Carlos Alfredo Ferrari, 43, temple names process supervisor, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, and bishop's counselor, married Silvia Viviana De Yuliis; Eduardo Pedersen, 43, temple recorder, former mission president's counselor, stake executive secretary, high councilor, bishop's counselor, and branch president, married Diana Noemi Cortez.
CHICLAYO PERU NORTH STAKE: (Oct. 20, 1991) Created from the Chiclayo Peru Central Stake. President - Javier Delgado Torres, 45, merchant, former bishop and counselor, branch president, and elders quorum president, married Maria Violeta Hernandez Salazar. Counselors - Jose Luis Lopez Orderique, 37, merchant, former high councilor, bishop's counselor, branch president, and elders quorum president, married Nelly De Los Santos Ugaz; David Orlando Guerrero Mechan, 30, personnel manager, former high councilor, stake executive secretary, stake Young Men president, and bishop's counselor, married Miriam Ingrid Navarro Sokolich.
FORTALEZA BRAZIL BOM SUCESSO STAKE: (Nov. 17, 1991) Created from the Fortaleza Brazil West and Fortaleza Brazil Montese stakes. President - Manoel Almeida De Carvalho Filho, 34, minerals company administrator, former stake clerk, bishop and counselor, branch president, and elders quorum president, married Sonia Maria Costa Sousa. Counselors - Francisco Vieira Pinheiro, 43, realty worker, former high councilor, bishop, elders quorum president, and Sunday School president, married Francisca Eronilde Rabelo; Luiz Brito Meireles, 34, purchasing agent, former district president, bishop's counselor, and branch president, married Maria de Lourdes Oliveira Da Silva.
ALTOONA PENNSYLVANIA STAKE: (Nov. 17, 1991) President - Dale Eugene Monson, 39, associate professor of music at Penn State University, succeeding James L. Hales; former high councilor, stake mission president, bishop's counselor, ward mission leader, seminary teacher, Young Men president, and gospel doctrine teacher, married Ruth Monson . Counselors - Tun Ngem Chin, 42, assistant director of library computing services at Penn State University, former stake clerk, high councilor, bishop and counselor, and elders quorum president, married Donna Wong; Dana Sterling Kellis, 35, director of medical intensive care, former bishop's counselor, ward mission leader, and elders quorum president's counselor, married Connie Lorraine Hawkins.
BILLINGS MONTANA STAKE: (Oct. 20, 1991) President - Edward Earl Jorden, 42, veterinarian, succeeding Kenneth Douglas Peterson; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop, and elders quorum president, married Lesley L. Thaxton. Counselors - David William Pennington, 51, natural resource management chief for the U.S. Department of Interior, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, elders quorum president's counselor, and teacher's quorum adviser, married Maryan Haymond; Lane E. Roberts, 38, sales manager, former high councilor, stake mission president, bishop and counselor, ward mission leader, and elders quorum president, married Layne Bexter.
BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA BANFIELD STAKE: (Nov. 10, 1991) President - Vicente Casalaspro, 43, maintenance business owner, succeeding Hugo Vicente Ricciuti; former mission president's counselor, high councilor, bishop, and Young Men president, married Marta Isabel Chaparro. Counselors - Sergio Evangelista Denis, 54, merchant, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, and branch president, married Teresa Zapata; Juan Francisco Esponda, 64, photography and optics employee, former bishop, married Esther Esmoris.
CHICLAYO PERU STAKE: (Oct. 20, 1991) President - Erasmo Delgado Rivera, 30, merchant, succeeding Agustin Vasquez Alegria; former high councilor and bishop's counselor, married Rosa Amelia Aurazo Herrera. Counselors - Segundo Ricardo Alfaro Lopez, 30, Church Educational System administrative assistant, former high councilor, stake executive secretary, stake Sunday School president, ward mission leader, and elders quorum president, married Martha Cecilia Bustamante Marquez; James Pedro Puertas Jimenez, 24, business owner, former stake mission president, bishop and counselor, and ward mission leader, married Doraliza Milagro Amenero Perez.
CHICLAYO PERU CENTRAL STAKE: (Oct. 20, 1991) President - Freddy Williams Fernandez Ruiz, 34, college professor, succeeding Franklin Delano Arroyo Suarez; former high councilor, bishop and counselor, and branch president, married Ana Patricia Diko Ly. Counselors - Homero Antonio Delgado Rivera, 43, agriculturist, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, district president's counselor, branch president's counselor, mission leader, elders quorum president, and Sunday School president, married Etelvina Cruz Galvez; Victor Manuel Cristobal Alarcon Sanchez, 26, accountant, former high councilor, bishop's counselor, ward executive secretary, and Sunday School president, married Lupe Dalila Rojas Romero.
FORTALEZA BRAZIL WEST STAKE: (Nov. 17, 1991) President - Antenor Silva Junior, retained. Counselors - Miguel Alves Dos Santos, retained; Marcos Antonio De Oliveira Uchoa, 29, clerk, former ward executive secretary, branch president's counselor, and elders quorum president, married Gina Maria Cavalcante Pinto.
HONG KONG KOWLOON NORTH STAKE: (Nov. 10, 1991) President - Wong Chung Hei Patrick, 41, industrial relations manager, succeeding Fu Man Yau; former regional representative, mission president's counselor, stake president and counselor, and stake mission president, married Chiang Lai Ling Kathy. Counselors - Ling Kuen Tony, 40, area membership and statistical records manager for Church, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake executive secretary, stake clerk, and branch president, married Wong Kam Ping Teresa; Chan Yuz Sang, 43, senior police inspector, former high councilor, bishop, branch president, elders quorum president, and Sunday School president, married Chow Kit Fong.
HUNTSVILLE ALABAMA STAKE: (Nov. 10, 1991) President - Michael Duane Knight, 44, dentist, succeeding Elijah Allen Rich; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop, branch president, and Young Men president, married Hannah Yvette Evans. Counselors - William Grant Brown, 51, pricing staff manager for aircraft production company, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, high priest group leader, elders quorum president, and Young Men president, married Lottie Virginia Adair; Thomas Edmund Mayfield, 47, superviser for computer company, former high councilor, stake mission president, stake seventy president, stake missionary, and ward mission leader, married Barbara Ann Price.
MERCED CALIFORNIA STAKE: (Nov. 10, 1991) President - Jerry Eldon Callister, 49, attorney, succeeding Leland
Thomas Fife; former mission president, high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop, and seminary teacher, married Kathryn Ruth Armstrong. Counselors - Paul Brown Hansen, 48, oral and maxillofacial surgeon, former high councilor, stake missionary, bishop and counselor, elders quorum president, and priest quorum adviser, married Judith Lynne Horne; Terry Dee Nielsen, 46, chief financial officer, former stake clerk, stake seventies president, bishop and counselor, and Scoutmaster, married LaNiel Snow.
OAKTON VIRGINIA STAKE: (Nov. 24, 1991) President - Theron LaMar Sleight, 50, colonel, U.S. Army, succeeding Raul S. McQuivey; former stake president and counselor, high councilor, stake mission president, bishop's counselor, and Young Men president, married Sharma Hawkins. Counselors - Richard Lewis Daniels Brown, 49, director of general services for the U.S. General Accounting Office, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, ward clerk, ward executive secretary, and Scoutmaster, married Helga Karen Jones; Phillip Bryce Christensen, 48, FBI supervisory special agent, former high councilor, and elders quorum president and counselor, married Elizabeth Carr.
ROCKFORD ILLINOIS STAKE: (Nov. 17, 1991) President - Douglas Nelson, 44, plant manager at drainage systems company, succeeding Brent L. Horsley; former bishop and counselor, ward mission leader, elders quorum president, seminary teacher, Young Men president, and Scoutmaster, married Mary Fleetwood. Counselors - Bryce J. Christensen, 36, editor, former bishop, stake mission president, ward mission leader, Young Men president, elders quorum teacher, and organist, married Mary Cox; William Brumble, 48, maintenance manager, former high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop and counselor, high priest group leader, and Sunday School teacher, married Rosalia Placencia.