"Some of you are called to serve the young men who hold the Aaronic Priesthood. These precious young men come in all sizes and with varying dispositions and different backgrounds. Yours is the privilege to know them individually and to motivate and lead each youth in his quest to qualify for the Melchizedek Priesthood, a successful mission, a temple marriage, a life of service, and a testimony of truth. . . .
"The years in the Aaronic Priesthood are growing years. They are years of maturing, learning, developing. They are years of emotional highs and lows, a period when wise counseling and proper example by an inspired leader can work wonders and lift lives."The quorum meetings of the Aaronic Priesthood provide you advisers and members of bishoprics with ideal opportunities to teach and train these young men in gospel scholarship and in dedicated service. Be examples worthy of emulation. Youth need fewer critics and more models to follow. Teach ye diligently,' said the Lord,and my grace shall attend you.'
". . . Scouting is [anT area of vital interest to young men. Much has been said in the media of late regarding Scouting. Let me affirm that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has not diminished in any way its support of the Scouting movement. President Spencer W. Kimball declared that the Church endorses Scouting "and will seek to provide leadership which will help boys keep close to their families and close to the Church as they develop the qualities of citizenship and character and fitness which Scouting represents.
" `We've remained strong and firm in our support of this great movement for boys and the oath and law which are at its center.'
"President Ezra Taft Benson described Scouting as a noble program,' saying,It is a builder of character, not only in the boys, but also in the men who provide the leadership.'
"Brethren, if ever there were a time when the principles of Scouting were vitally needed - that time is now. If ever there were a generation who would benefit by keeping physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight - that generation is the present generation."