100 years ago
The Brigham City Tabernacle was destroyed by fire Sunday, Feb. 9, 1896, reported the Feb. 10, 1896, Deseret Evening News.
The edifice, which served the Box Elder Stake, was "reduced to a pile of blackened ruins. The loss which will closely approximate $25,000 is irreparable at this time. The big organ, silver sacrament service, books and other contents were also destroyed," the article stated. "The loss is made the more lamentable by reason of the fact that no insurance was carried."
The fire was said to have had its origin in the basement, where "alleged defective heaters were placed."
The city fire department was unable to contain the blaze. "Surely and rapidly the flames leaped and spread until the whole of the handsome structure was enveloped by them. A crowd of people estimated at from 2,000 to 3,000 witnessed the work of destruction and sincerely bewailed the calamity that had so suddenly come upon them."
Quote from the past
"We should thank God from morning till evening, that we have the privilege of being Latter-day Saints. We should thank Him for the light and intelligence that we have already received, and we should seek for a closer communion with Him that we might comprehend more fully the duties that devolve upon us, and feel in our hearts to do the will of God on earth, as angels do it in heaven." - President John Taylor, delivered in Parowan, Utah, June 24, 1883