
Messages of inspiration from President Hinckley


If there is any question in anyone's mind about the divinity of this work, let him ponder the importance of the universality of the richest fruits of the Atonement. Resurrection, yes, through the grace of God to all men, but beyond that the magnificent concept of exaltation and eternal life through acceptance and living the principles of the gospel. How thankful I feel about this matter. - Fireside address, Nottingham, England, Aug. 30, 1995.


I bring to your attention those great words of the Lord to Thomas: "Be not faithless, but believing." This is such a marvelous season of your lives. It is a time not only of positive thinking but sometimes of critical thinking. Let me urge you to not let your critical thinking override your faith. - Ricks College Regional Conference, Oct. 29, 1995.


The Church expects you to be chaste and virtuous. You know what this means. I am satisfied I need not repeat it here. But I do urge you, with all of the capacity of which I am capable, to avoid the corrosive, destructive forces of evil found in pornography. Pornography is the literature of the devil. Shun it. Stay away from it. Lift your sights and your minds to the higher and nobler things of life. Remember, "Wickedness never was happiness." (Alma 41:10). Sin never brought happiness. Transgression never brought happiness. Disobedience never brought happiness. - BYU Devotional, Oct. 17, 1995.


The Church is the great teacher and builder of values. Its precepts are designed to lead men and women along the way of immortality and eternal life, to make their lives more complete, more rich and happy while moving through this veil of tears, and in preparing them for the beauties and wonders of that which lies ahead. Keep faith with the Church. It is true. It is divine. He who stands at its head is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the world. It is the Church of the Almighty which carries the name of His Divine Son. Its earthly leaders are those who are called of God under a plan which He put in place. - BYU Devotional, Oct. 17, 1995.


Let us go forward in this glorious work. How exciting and wonderful it is. I do not know how anybody can feel gloomy for very long who is a member of this Church. Do you feel gloomy? Lift your eyes. Stand on your feet. Say a few words of appreciation and love to the Lord. Be positive. Think of what great things are occurring as the Lord brings to pass His eternal purposes. This is a day of prophecy fulfilled, my brothers and sisters, this great day in the history of this Church. This is the day of which has been spoken of by those who have gone before us. Let us live worthy of our birthright. Keep the faith. Nurture your testimonies. Walk in righteousness and the Lord will bless you and prosper you and you will be a happy and wonderful people. - Sandy Utah Cottonwood Creek Stake Conference, Dec. 3, 1995.


To love the Lord is not just counsel, it is not just well-wishing, it is a commandment. It is the first and great commandment incumbent upon each of us because love of God is the root from which springs all other types of love; love of God is the root of all virtue, of all goodness, of all strength of character, of all fidelity to do right. Love the Lord your God, and love His Son, and be ever grateful for their love for us. Whenever other love fades, there will be that shining, transcendent, everlasting love of God for each of us and the love of His Son, who gave His life for us. - Ricks College Regional Conference, Oct. 29, 1995.


Be a part of this great process which constantly adds to the vitality of the Church. Every time a new member comes into the Church something happens. There is an infusion of strength and faith and testimony that is wonderful. Think of what this Church would be without the missionary program. Think of it! I think this is the greatest age in the history of the world. I think this is the greatest time in the history of the Church. I believe that. I think there will be greater times in the future. We are growing ever and ever stronger. - Washington D.C. North and South Missions, Nov. 12, 1995.


The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only element that will destroy the hatred that exists among people. If they will bring this gospel into their lives and recognize the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man and the effects of the atonement of Christ, there will be a far greater measure of peace in the world. We will not have peace until that happens more generally. That is why we are here, brothers and sisters, you and I. That is the objective of our work - to teach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and touch the hearts of people so that they can look upon one another as brothers and sisters, as children of our Father in Heaven. - Solihull, England, Aug. 30, 1995.


I thank the Lord for the Sabbath day. That comes from the Ten Commandments, but it is reaffirmed in strong and moving language in the modern revelation of this Church. No one has to shop on Sunday. You don't have to buy butter on Sunday. You don't have to buy milk on Sunday. You don't have to buy clothes on Sunday. You don't have to buy furniture on Sunday. No, of course not. Thank the Lord for the Sabbath day reaffirmed in this dispensation as the day of the Lord, sacred unto Him as it should be sacred unto us. - Fireside, Liverpool, England, Aug. 31, 1995.


I want to give you my testimony of this work and I want to say it in such a way that you can remember that I said it. I know this work is true. I know that God our Eternal Father lives. I am thankful for the knowledge that He loves us as His children. I am grateful that I feel in my heart a great love for Him. I know He lives, my Father in Heaven. I can scarcely comprehend the wonder of it all. He who is the Creator and Governor of the universe knows me, knows you, each of you. He loves you, He is concerned for you. I know that Jesus is my Redeemer, my Lord, my Savior. I know that. I can't comprehend the full meaning of the Atonement, but I know that through His sacrifice He has made it possible for you and for me to live eternal lives of growth and knowledge and understanding and work, regardless of whether it's on this side of the veil or on the other side of the veil. - Promontory Branch, Tremonton Utah South Stake, sacrament meeting, Oct. 15, 1995.


There is no substitute for virtue. Keep your thoughts virtuous. Rise above the filth that's all around you in this world and stand tall in strength and virtue. You can do this and you will be happier for it for as long as you live. God bless you in cherishing, developing and holding on to this great gift, the quality of personal virtue. - Utah Salt Lake City Missionary Meeting, Dec. 18, 1995.

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