100 years ago
A report from Elder LeRoie C. Snow, a missionary in Ireland, detailed in the Deseret Evening News of July 3, 1896, the mixed success that missionaries were having in their street meetings in Belfast, Ireland.
Under the direction of Ireland Conference Pres. Charles Peterson, the missionaries gathered at a prominent location in the city. No one stopped to hear their message until, "We sung with such force several doors were opened along the street and persons stood there listening. . . . I was called upon to address the people. . . . A crowd began to gather. Some smiled, others hissed and a few dealt out threatening curses but I went on and was encouraged to see a few serious faces in the crowd."
Later, at another street meeting, reported Elder Snow, "the crowd increased until I suppose there were nearly a thousand of them when we closed. Some were very bitter, others indifferent and a few even endeavored to quiet the crowd. After the benediction the people became better disposed and some approached and shook hands with us."
Quote from the past
"We cannot commit sin with impunity. We cannot violate the laws of God and enjoy His Spirit; nor can we permit the laws of God to be trampled upon and still receive His approbation." - An address by President John Taylor, delived in Manti, Utah, on May 19, 1883.