
New temple presidents

The First Presidency has called five new temple presidents.

C. LEON JOHNSON, 63, Meridian 2nd Ward, Meridian Idaho Stake, called as president of the Boise Idaho Temple, succeeding Pres. Jay L. Christensen. Pres. Johnson's wife, LaRue Johnson, will serve as temple matron. Pres. Johnson, a patriarch, has served as a stake president and counselor, high councilor, bishop and counselor, seventies group leader, stake missionary, elders quorum president, Sunday School teacher, and Aaronic Priesthood adviser. A retired veterinarian, he received a doctor of veterinary medicine degree from Colorado State University. He was born in Sanford, Colo., to Renold Crowther and Clara Marie Rasmussen Johnson. Sister Johnson has served as a stake Relief Society president's counselor and secretary, Relief Society president and counselor, Young Women president and adviser, Primary president and counselor, Relief Society and Primary teacher, and organist. She was born in Salt Lake City to Arnol Owen and Lola Fullmer Smoot.- COLLINS E. JONES, 78, Cottonwood 9th Ward, Salt Lake Cottonwood Stake, called as president of the Ogden Temple, succeeding Pres. Harvey M. Broadbent. Pres. Jones' wife, Betty Jones, will serve as temple matron. Pres. Jones has served as a temple president's counselor, mission president, stake president, high councilor, temple sealer, and bishop. A retired college coach, professor, and administrator, he received bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Southern California. He was born in Thatcher, Ariz., to Doctor Byron and Edna Layton Jones. Sister Jones has served in stake and ward Primary, Young Women and Relief Society presidencies, and as an assistant temple matron. She was born in Marysville, Calif., to Harold and Aileen Noble Mills.

G. Jackson Kidd, 72, Logan 1st Ward, Logan Utah Stake, called as president of the Logan Temple, succeeding Pres. Oral Lamb Ballam. Pres. Kidd's wife, Lillian Kidd, will serve as temple matron. Pres. Kidd has served as a temple president's counselor, stake president and counselor, stake clerk, high councilor, and bishop. He is a retired seminary and institute teacher. He received a bachelor's degree from Ricks College, a master's degree from BYU, and a doctorate from Utah State University. He was born in Avon, Utah, to George Clement and Minnie Jackson Kidd. Sister Kidd has served as an assistant temple matron, stake Young Women president's counselor, stake Relief Society spiritual living leader, and a teacher in Relief Society, Young Women, Primary and Sunday School. She was born in Benson, Utah, to Golden Wesley and Barbara Irene Lewis Barrett.

GLENN C. NELSON, 67, Idaho Falls 12th Ward, Idaho Falls Idaho Taylor Mountain Stake, called as president of the Idaho Falls Temple, succeeding Pres. Preston B. Brimhall. Pres. Nelson's wife, Emma Jane Nelson, will serve as temple matron. Pres. Jones, a patriarch, has served as a regional representative, mission president, stake president and counselor, bishop, and elders quorum president. He is a private investor and attended LDS Business College. He was born in Sandy, Utah, to Nels A. and Elizabeth Crump Nelson. Sister Nelson has served as a stake Relief Society president, Primary president and counselor, Relief Society president, Primary and Sunday School teacher. She was born in East Midvale, Utah, to Charles W. and Grace Greenwood Thornton.

EARL J. ROUECHE, 70, McLean 1st Ward, McLean Virginia Stake, called as president of the Washington Temple, succeeding Pres. Ralph O. Bradley. Pres. Roueche's wife, Elaine Roueche, will serve as temple matron. Pres. Roueche, a counselor in the temple presidency, has served as a mission president, stake president, high councilor, bishop, and seminary teacher. A retired executive in the Organization of American States, he received a bachelor's degree from Idaho State University, a master's degree from the University of Utah, and a master's degree in public administration from Harvard University. He was born in Pocatello, Idaho, to John Francis and Millie Henderson Roueche. Sister Roueche, an assistant temple matron, has served as a Relief Society president, Young Women president, and seminary teacher. She was born in Logan, Utah, to Clemouth LaVell and Vesta Pulley Whatcott.

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