100 years ago
Funeral proceedings on July 26, 1896, for Elder Abraham H. Cannon of the Quorum of the Twelve were extensively reported in the Deseret News the next day. The apostle died July 19 at age 37.
"The test of a man's popularity was never better exemplified," the newspaper reported, "than by the tens of thousands of people who left their homes to do honor to the illustrious and beloved dead. It is a conservative estimate to state that at least 30,000 souls, more than one-half of the city's population, either attended the Tabernacle, viewed the great funeral procession or visited the cemetery where they bared and bowed their heads in grief."
Quote from the past
In my public teaching I never permit my mind to follow in any channel except that which the Spirit dictates to me, and this is the position we all occupy when we meet with the Saints, or when we go forth to preach the gospel. As Jesus told His apostles, take no thought what ye shall say, it is told us, take no thought what we shall say; but we treasure up in our minds words of wisdom by the blessing of God and studying the best books. - Elder Wilford Woodruff of the Quorum of the Twelve in a discourse given in the 13th Ward Assembly Rooms, Salt Lake City, Jan. 12, 1873.