
New stake presidencies

Three new stakes have been created in Argentina and Honduras, and in California.

The Buenos Aires Argentina Gonzalez Catan Stake has been created by Elder John B. Dickson of the Seventy. The new stake includes the Gonzalez Catan 1st and 2nd, Laferrere, Rafael Castillo 1st, Rafael Castillo Central B, and Virrey Del Pino wards, and the Pontevedra branch.The Porterville California Stake, which includes the Lindsay, Porterville 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th, and the Tulare 1st, 2nd and 3rd wards has been created by Elder C. Max Caldwell of the Seventy.

The Tegucigalpa Honduras Uyuca Stake, which includes the Hluacposel, Las Minas, Los Pinos, Nueva Suyapa, and Uyuca wards, and the Flores De Oriente branch, has been created by Elder Joseph C. Muren of the Seventy.

Elsewhere, stakes have been reorganized in Argentina, Ecuador and Mexico, and in California, and Utah.

New stakes

BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA GONZALEZ CATAN STAKE: (June 2, 1996) Created from the Buenos Aires Argentina Castelar and Buenos Aires Argentina Ezeiza stakes. President - Pedro Emilio Ayala, 33, airlines inspector for Gabilidad National Airlines Management and civil aviation instructor; wife, Stella Maris Battaglia de Ayala. Counselors - Rigoberto Enrique Guzman V., 42, self-employed house painter and plasterer; wife, Silvana Rosario Araya C. de Guzman. Victor Daniel Salazar, 29, employed by pharmacy company; wife, Maria Angelica Jerez T. de Salazar.

PORTERVILLE CALIFORNIA STAKE: (June 16, 1996) Created from the Visalia California Stake. President - Steven E. Tree, 51, executive director for Porterville Sheltered Workshop; wife, Janette Hendrickson Tree. Counselors - Richard L. Christenson, 43, attorney; wife, Mary Katherine Garlock Christenson. Robert T. Cox, 43, farmer; wife, Rebecca Eugenia Friend Cox.

TEGUCIGALPA HONDURAS UYUCA STAKE: (May 26, 1996) Created from the Tegucigalpa Honduras La Esperanza Stake and the Tegucigalpa Honduras Uyuca District. President - Moises Abraham Molina G., 38, projects manager for Central Zone Federation of Agriculture; wife, Maria Soledad Molina J. de Molina. Counselors - Federico Orlando Poujol B., 40, construction supervisor for Church area office; wife, Helena Brincker M. de Poujol. Wolfgan Vladimir Molina Z., 32, executive manager and partner for Prottuisa; wife, Maria Luisa Carrasco M. de Molina.

Stake reorganizations

BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA ALDO BONZI STAKE (FORMERLY BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA EZEIZA STAKE): (June 2, 1996) President - Sergio Edgardo Avila, 32, partner in bottling industries firm; succeeding Carlos Ernesto Aguero; wife, Claudia Elizabeth Navia de Avila. Counselors - Daniel Edurado Santoro R., 37, self-employed electronics technician; wife, Sandra Patricia Aguirre V. de Santoro. Pablo Andres Varrenti F., 24, publicist for C. V. Advertising; wife, Monica Viviana Echegaray V. de Varrenti.

FRUIT HEIGHTS UTAH STAKE: (June 16, 1996) President - Gerald J. Dent, 54, executive vice president and credit administrator for Zions First National Bank; succeeding Larry Lamar Whiting; wife, Carolyn Burgess Dent. Counselors - Garth J. Guymon, 42, anesthesiologist; wife, Betty Jean Fausett Guymon. Curtis M. Tingey , 43, owner of Tingey Construction Co. Inc. and Corral West Inc.; wife, Susan Raelene Brian Tingey.

LONG BEACH CALIFORNIA EAST STAKE: (June 2, 1996) President - John L. Ward, 61, institute of religion director and owner of Ward's Furniture & Appliance Co.; succeeding Stanford Lynn Richards; wife, Sondra Pinegar Ward. Counselors - Paul L. Trost, 41, administrator for Smith & Sinek; wife, Jill Welsh Trost. Dennis Keith Moore, 45, works in sales for Allstate; wife, Debra Reprogle Moore.

MERIDA MEXICO CENTRO STAKE: (June 9, 1996) President - Fermin Javier Herrera B., 40, merchant; succeeding Joaquin Eduardo Carrillo Villanueva; wife, Ligia Ancona M. de Herrera. Counselors - Sergio Ivan Espadas R., 36, merchant; wife, Isela Madera P. de Espadas. Jose Gabriel Sulub C. 28, works in custodial services for Church; wife, Martha Laura Leon C. de Sulub.

QUITO ECUADOR INAQUITO STAKE: (June 9, 1996) President - Fernando Bolivar Aguirre S., finance consultant for F.M. Associates; succeeding Horacio Araya Olivares; wife, Ana Lucia Tapia S. de Aquirre. Counselors - Oswaldo Guillermo Andrade R., 42, accountant for Church; wife, Mariana de Jesus Jarrin J. de Andrade. Olvin Enrique Mora B., 30, assistant administrator for Frureros Monserrate; wife, Lenny Mirella Sornoza Z. de Mora.

SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA CORDOVA STAKE: (June 16, 1996) President - Donald G. Pebbles, 46, owner of Pebbles Custom Cabinets; succeeding Joseph Nelson Hodgson; wife, Bonnie Alan Busath Pebbles. Counselors - W. Boyd Jensen, 60, instructor at Sacramento City College; wife, Diane Helen De Lucia Jensen. Alan Lee Fisher, 39, vice president of East Lawn Inc.; wife, Elizabeth Holly McAmis Fisher.

VISALIA CALIFORNIA STAKE: (June 16, 1996) President - Ralph B. Jordan III, 43, attorney; succeeding David Heber Crane; wife, Claudia Lynn Pathe Jordan. Counselors - Lary O. Brown, 56, executive vice president for LVR Corporation; wife, Beverly Merle Hink Brown. Joseph D. Foster, 55, president of United Chemical Corp.; wife, Susanne Lee Hulbert Foster.

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