And Christ hath said: If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me. - Moro. 7:33.
Over the years, these words of Mormon have given me the encouragement and help I have needed as a home teacher.
For example, when one of my assigned families, a mother with a daughter and three sons, moved into another area but still within the ward boundaries, I could only get a street and a cross street for their new location.
On the day I tried to locate them by looking for their car which I knew, I passed their street a couple of times doing other errands. Only then did I feel impressed to go looking. When I arrived in the neighborhood, I could not see their car and I started to knock on a couple of doors to inquire when I heard my name called.
The family had moved to an apartment some distance from there; however, one of the boys had come with his dog to play with friends who lived nearby and spotting me, he called my name. He had just walked about a mile from where his father lived and was able to take me to where his mother, sister and brothers were.
I know this was not a coincidence that the boy and I should arrive in that neighborhood at the same time. It was an answer to my prayers and the faith that I could complete this assignment.
I feel there is no barrier too great to keep a home teacher from making some contact with each assigned family every month if only he will recognize that the home teaching visit or contact with each family is expedient in the Lord.