50 Years ago
Primary organizations that were dormant during World War II were being revived in the countries of Europe, reported the Aug. 17, 1946, Church News.
The article said that the Primary was the Church organization that suffered the most during the war. It quoted Anne Jessen, Danish Mission Primary president, as saying: "The parents were too apprehensive to let their children walk a long way, it was very unsafe. Only one Primary in our mission kept their meetings through the time the war was going on."
Other problems were sickness, food shortages and the inability to heat meeting halls.
Angela Patermann from the East German Mission said, "In this mission we have had to build the Primary Association anew in its entirety, since during the war Primary was completely prohibited."
The article concluded: "It is encouraging to know that Primary materials are being sent to these far away groups by the General Board, which is doing everything possible to insure delivery of the much needed lesson and activity helps."
Quote from the past
"The home is the best place in the world to teach the highest ideal in the social and political life of man; namely, perfect liberty of action so long as you do not trespass upon the rights and privileges of another." - President David O. McKay, in an address given during the October 1946 general conference.