
Seven of Second Quorum released

Seven members of the Second Quorum of the Seventy were extended an honorable release Oct. 4 after serving their five-year callings.

All of these Brethren were called June 6, 1992, and sustained at general conference on Oct. 3 of that year.Elder Lino Alvarez, 53, served as counselor in the Central America Area and as counselor and president of the Mexico South Area. He is a former president of the Mexico Mexico City South Mission. He married Argelia de Villanueva.

C. Max Caldwell, 63, served as counselor in the Europe Area presidency, the Asia Area presidency, and the North America West Area presidency. He is a former president of the Louisiana Baton Rouge Mission. He married Bonnie Adamson.

John E. Fowler, 52, served as counselor in the Utah Central Area and as president of the Utah North Area, and as counselor in the Europe North Area. He was president of the Georgia Atlanta Mission. He married Marie S. Spillsbury.

Augusto A. Lim, 63, served as counselor and president of the Philippines/Micronesia Area, and is currently president of the Manila Philippines Temple. He was president of the Philippines Naga Mission. He married Myrna Garcia Morillo.

V. Dallas Merrell, 61, served as counselor in the Pacific Area and in the North America Central Area. He was former president of the Utah Salt Lake City South Mission. He married Karen Dixon.

F. David Stanley, 62, served as counselor in the Africa Area presidency and in the North America Southeast Area presidency. He was second counselor in the Young Men general presidency from Oct. 12, 1996 to May 15, 1997, and then was sustained as first counselor. He was recently called as president of the Bountiful Utah Temple. He was president of the Idaho Boise Mission, Young Men General Board member. He married Annette Shewell.

Kwok Yuen Tai, 56, served as counselor and president of the Asia Area. He is a former president of the Hong Kong Mission. He married Hui Hua Tai.

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