Mexico North Area
Gravesite beautified
PACHECO, MEXICO - Some 13 family members returned to this remote northern Mexico location, once the site of a Mormon colony, to find the grave of their forebear, John Rowley. He crossed the plains with the Willie Handcart Company in 1856, accompanied by his widowed mother and his six brothers and sisters.
The Rowley family members, including four of John Rowley's grandsons, traveled three hours in four-wheel-drive vehicles just to cover the last 25 miles to the high-altitude site. It was mostly abandoned in 1912 because of the Mexican Revolution.
Before locating in Mexico, Rowley built a plaster mill in Nephi, Utah, and after arriving in Mexico, constructed a molasses mill in Pacheco. His descendants located his grave, marked by a 5 foot plaster model of a tree trunk. They beautified the area that included other grave markers as well.
Asia Area
Dedication commemorated
TAIPEI, TAIWAN - Members from throughout Taiwan gathered recently to commemorate the 38th anniversary of the dedication of this island for the preaching of the gospel by Elder Mark E. Petersen of the Quorum of the Twelve. The gathering was one of many activities held in Taiwan this year with a pioneer theme to honor the sesquicentennial of the 1847 pioneers.
Conducting a short meeting and speaking at the dedication site, near the landmark Grand Hotel in the northern suburb of Shihlin, was Pres. Richard Stamps of the Taiwan Taipei Mission. He served as a missionary in Taiwan from 1962-65. The meeting was jointly organized by the Taipei mission and the Taiwan Returned Missionary Association.
Also speaking was Lu-pao Wang, Church Educational System country director from Taiwan, who was a missionary in Taiwan from 1974-76. Elder Petersen's dedicatory prayer, offered in 1959, was read in Chinese and English, affording some in attendance their first opportunity to hear the blessings and promises pronounced for their land.
Europe North Area
Small branch, large service
BRIDLINGTON, ENGLAND - The small Bridlington Branch of the York England Stake, with about 35 active members, has received an expression of appreciation for its recent contribution of some 182 hours of community service to the Bridlington Nursery School. Members brightened up the facility by painting and renovating old furniture, and cleaning up the grounds, said branch Pres. Kenneth Kearsley.
"I should like to express my sincere thanks to your Church for the help which you gave as the school was redecorated," wrote Mrs. Pam Bishop on behalf of the governors of the Bridlington Nursery School.
"I should like to thank your good self, your immediate family, and your Church president and colleagues for the loan of your expertise, help and for understanding our needs."
Chile Area
Medical donation appreciated
SANTIAGO, CHILE - Elder Hector Verdugo, an Area Authority Seventy, accompanied by Rodolfo Acevedo, Chile area public affairs director, represented the Church in presenting medical equipment, clothing, medical books, and other items to the Hospital of Infectious Disease in Santiago.
Luis Jimenez Troncoso, director of the hospital, expressed appreciation to the Church for the donation. The Rotary Club of Santiago also expressed appreciation to the Church for its donation and for its services around the world.
North America Northwest Area
Music encourages temple work
BOISE, IDAHO - The 140-voice choir of the Boise LDS Institute recently completed a visit to Oregon, where they performed music about temples and temple work.
The choir performed Steven Kapp Perry's "Come to the House of the Lord," which was well-received. During the four-day visit, the choir performed in the LaGrande, Lake Oswego, Bend and Ontario stakes. Culminating the trip, all the choir members took part in endowment and baptismal services at the Portland Oregon Temple.
"The sacred nature of the music created a wonderful feeling of spirit and unity," said Craig M. Spjute, institute and choir director.
North America Northeast Area
Columbus musical popular
COLUMBUS, OHIO - For the fifth year, a cast of 200 members from Columbus, Ohio, area stakes recently presented "Christopher, The Musical of Discovery" in downtown Columbus. The 16-scene, 70-minute outdoor theatrical production honors the inspired determination of Christopher Columbus that led to the discovery of the Americas.
"Christopher" continues to be a valuable missionary tool, giving members an opportunity to accompany their friends of other faiths to the production. More than 20,000 tickets and fliers that included the name of the Church were distributed, said local leaders.
The production was written in the 1980s by Barney Cornaby, Don Oscarson and Maughan McMurdie, and was first presented in 1992 as a part of the quincentennial celebration of Columbus' voyage.
Utah North Area
400 items from unused material
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH - Digging into their closets for unneeded material, Relief Society sisters in the Eagle Gate 2nd Ward found enough cloth, yarn and thread to make 400 articles of clothing. They donated the clothing to the Salt Lake Sort Center.
Helen Bolyard, ward homemaking counselor, invited the sisters to donate unused material. She received enough to keep the ward Relief Society busy for three homemaking nights.
One Relief Society member, Heidi Hubenthal, commented, "I was surprised when I went through my own home `sewing center' to find about 20 yards of fabric I knew I would probably never use.
"I was pleased to see the fabric come out in the way of crib quilts, sheets, pajamas, hospital gowns, children's clothing and other items."
Another member, Pat Kammerman, knitted 160 pairs of slippers from donated yarn.
"The reward for this project is personal satisfaction of rendering compassionate service to others in need," said Ruth Hobson, ward Relief Society president.
North America Central Area
Float a `triumphant return'
LIBERTY, MO. - Members of the Liberty 1st Ward, Liberty Missouri Stake, took part in the annual Liberty Fall Festival Sept. 27 by entering a float in the town parade. The float depicted handcart pioneers resting after a long day's journey. Those on the float sang, "Come, Come, Ye Saints" as the procession traveled through Liberty Square and within one block of the Historic Liberty Jail where the Prophet Joseph Smith was once incarcerated.
"Although the Church has been active in the area for many years now, it almost seemed like a triumphant return for the Saints," said Shea Hardman, ward member. "This year's festival also marked the 175th anniversary of the city of Liberty."