25 years ago
Major events of 1972 included the death of President Joseph Fielding Smith on July 2, and the reorganization of the First Presidency with Harold B. Lee as president, and President N. Eldon Tanner and President Marion G. Romney as counselors on July 7.
Church membership topped 3 million that year with 29 stakes being organized, bringing the total number of stakes to 591.
Two new temples, Ogden and Provo, were dedicated early in the year.
Thousands of members packed the National Auditorium at Chapultepec Park in Mexico City in August as part of the Church's second area general conference.
The new Church Distribution Center at 1999 W. 1700 South, Salt Lake City, was dedicated in October.
Elder Bruce R. McConkie was sustained as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve during October general conference. Called as Assistants to the Twelve were Elders O. Leslie Stone, James E. Faust and L. Tom Perry.
The first major move of equipment and personnel into the new Church Office Building at 50 E. North Temple began in November.
Quote from the past
"From the center of my heart to the ends of my fingers and toes, I know that this is the work of God. . . . I am looking forward to the time when all of us will be united on the other side and carry on the great work that we have so falteringly tried to do here on earth." - Elder Hugh B. Brown of the Quorum of the Twelve from an address given during the April 1972 general conference.