Eight more mission presidents have been called by the First Presidency. The mission presidents and their wives will begin their service about July 1. Their assignments will be announced later. The new mission presidents are:
Julio Cesar Alasia, 42, Villa Allende Ward, Cordoba Argentina Sierras Stake; mission president's counselor; former stake president, high councilor, bishop, elders quorum president, ward mission leader, and missionary in the Argentina Buenos Aires North Mission; Cordoba institute director; born in Cordoba, Argentina, to Atilio Esteban and Santina Virginia Porta Alasia; married Hilda Rocha, four children. She is ward Relief Society president; former stake Relief Society president's counselor, stake Young Women president's counselor, ward Young Women and Relief Society president, seminary teacher, and missionary in the Argentina Buenos Aires North Mission; born in La Esperanza, Argentina, to Luis Maria and Monica Deolinda Ocampo Rocha.- Dallas H. Bradford, 56, Moss Hill Ward, Bountiful Utah Central Stake; Gospel Doctrine teacher; former stake president's counselor, stake clerk, high councilor, bishop, Young Adult adviser, and adult Aaronic Priesthood general secretary; visiting professor at BYU; received bachelor's degree in accounting from BYU; born in Spanish Fork, Utah, to Henry Wells and Afton Hansen Bradford; married Marjorie Sunda, four children. She is Young Women president's counselor; former stake Young Women president, stake Young Women executive assistant, ward Young Women president, Relief Society president's counselor, activities adviser to Young Adult ward, and Laurel adviser; received bachelor's degree in elementary education from BYU; born in Washington, D.C., to Adolph George and Evelyn Ethel Fields Sunda.
Dean W. Croft, 50, Lakeridge Ward, Lake Oswego Oregon Stake; stake missionary and member of the Church Investment Securities Committee; former stake president, high councilor, high priests group leader, Sunday School teacher, and missionary in the Gulf States Mission; chief executive officer for Croft Equities; received bachelor's degree in economics and accounting from BYU; born in Nampa, Idaho, to Arnold Douglas and Cathryn Mary Mackay Croft; married Julia Reaves, four children. She is a Primary teacher; former Relief Society president, Young Women president, Primary president, and Primary and seminary teacher; received bachelor's degree in art from Marylhurst College; born in Selma, Ala., to James Thomas and Buford Lee Martin Reaves.
H. Bruce Stucki, 59, St. George 3rd Ward, St. George Utah West Stake; area authority; former regional representative, stake president and counselor, stake YMMIA superintendent, bishop and counselor, and Explorer adviser; president and chief executive officer of RMC Foods Inc., managing general partner for several companies, president of Dixie Development Corporation, and chairman and president of RMC MALLCORP; received associate's degree in business from Dixie College and bachelor's degree in business management from the University of Utah; born in St. George, Utah, to Harvey and Anna Hilda Wittwer Stucki; married Cheryl Cox, six children. She is a Primary achievement day leader; former stake Relief Society and stake YWMIA president, ward Relief Society president and counselor, music chairman, Primary and Relief Society teacher, Beehive leader, Primary music chorister, and Cub Scout den leader; received associate degree in English from Dixie College; born in St. George, Utah, to Emerald Lane and Elsie Burgess Cox.
Subandriyo (uses only one name), 38, Jakarta Selatan Branch, Jakarta Indonesia District; mission president's counselor; former district president's counselor, elders quorum president and counselor, and missionary; country manager for the Church; received bachelor's degree in business administration from Business Education College; born in Solo, Indonesia, to Tasiman and Tumini; married Steffi Hetarihon, four children. She is a former district Primary president, branch Primary president, Relief Society president's counselor, and missionary; received bachelor's degree in international relations from International Relations College; born in Jakarta to Steve and Hetarie Geertruida Hetarihon.
Rosendo Tiempos L., 56, Hidalgo Ward, Cuautla Mexico Stake; mission president's counselor; former stake president and counselor; docent for the Secretariate of Public Education; earned a certificate as a chemical engineer from the National Polytechnical Institute; born in Cuautla, Mexico, to Elias and Leonor Leyte Tiempos; married Guadalupe Flores, four children. She is a Relief Society instructor; former stake Relief Society secretary, ward Primary president, Relief Society president, and Young Women president; received a degree in primary education from Normal Primaria; born in Soltepec, Mexico, to Vernando and Francisco Perez Flores.
Leland D. White, 66, Hillcrest 1st Ward, American Fork Utah West Stake; currently serving as missionary in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and Bangkok, Thailand; former temple sealer and ordinance worker, high councilor, stake missionary, district president, and bishop's counselor; retired area director for the U.S. Department of Agriculture; earned bachelor's degree in zoology and chemistry and master's degree in entomology and botany from BYU, and doctorate in entomology and botany from Utah State University; born in Porterville, Utah, to Charles Alfred and Hilda Elanore Stevens White; married Joyce Blackhurst, eight children. She is serving a mission with her husband; former stake Relief Society president and counselor, stake missionary, temple ordinance worker, and Primary president; received bachelor's degree in elementary education from San Jose State University; born in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Edwin William and Esther Huhl Blackhurst.
G. Lowell Wright, 48, Taylorsville 23rd Ward, Taylorsville Utah South Stake; Young Single Adult adviser; former bishop and counselor, Young Men president, Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Sunday School teacher, and missionary in the Brazil North Mission; vice president of Wright Brothers Plumbing; received associate degree in plumbing from Utah Technical College and bachelor's degree in Russian from the University of Utah; born in Salt Lake City to Gordon Lowell and Melva Thorup Wright; married Elaine Tenney, six children. She is Young Single Adult adviser; former ward Relief Society president's counselor, Cub Scout den leader, ward organist, Sunday School and Relief Society teacher, Webelos leader, Primary teacher, and junior Sunday School coordinator; attended BYU; born in San Diego, Calif., to Clive Vorris and Marian Francis Tenney.