
New temple president

Menlo F. Smith, 70, Frontenac Ward, St Louis Missouri Stake, has been called by the First Presidency as president of the new St. Louis Missouri Temple. Pres. Smith's wife, Mary Jean Jacobson Smith, will serve as temple matron. Pres. Smith is vice chairman of the St. Louis Temple committee, and a former mission president and counselor, regional representative, regional public communications director, high councilor, bishop and Sunday School president. The founder of The Sunmark Companies, an international confections and snack foods corporation, he graduated from the University of Utah. He was born in St. David, Ariz., a son of J. Fish and Lillian Fountain Smith. Sister Smith graduated from the University of Utah. She served with her husband in the Philippines Bagauio Mission, and is a former Relief Society president, counselor and instructor and held other teaching positions in the auxiliaries. She was born in Tonopah, Nev., to Rufus Ingman and Marvel Gardener Jacobson.

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