
New stake presidencies

Five new stakes, including the third stake in Ghana, have been created. The other new stakes have been created in Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Peru.

The Chilpancingo Mexico Stake, which includes the Chichihualco, Chilpancingo, El Centro, Guerrero and Obrera wards, and the Ocotito branch, has been created by Elder Adolfo Avalos R., an Area Authority Seventy.The Lima Peru Campoy Stake, which includes the Campoy, Chimu, El Valle, Mangomarca, Portada del Sol, Solidaridad and Vipol wards, and the Huachipa branch, has been created by Elder Carl B. Pratt of the Seventy.

The Osorno Chile Rahue Stake, which includes the Camino Real, Las Vegas, Rahue Alto, Rahue Bajo, Schilling and Villa Almagro wards, and the Purranque and Rio Negro branches, has been created by Elder Jerald L. Taylor of the Seventy.

The Sao Paulo Brazil Pirituba Stake, which includes the Brasilandia, Francisco Morato, Freguesia Do O, Jaragua, Mangalot, Perus and Pirituba wards, has been created by Elder W. Craig Zwick of the Seventy.

The Takoradi Ghana Stake, which includes the Kweikuma, Mpintsin, Sekondi, Takoradi and West Tanokrom wards, and the Chapel Hill and Sofokrom branches, has been created by Elder James O. Mason of the Seventy.

Elsewhere, stakes have been reorganized in Brazil, Chile and Peru.

New stakes

CHILPANCINGO MEXICO STAKE: (May 25, 1997) Created from the Chilpancingo Mexico District. President - Jesus Antonio Torrijos A., 31, owner of pest control business; wife, Maribel Osorio G. de Torrijos. Counselors - Jaime Rafael Acevedo A., 42, head of secretary of education; wife, Maria Soledad Pacheco J. de Acevedo. Adrian Ezquivel V., 38, technical adviser for Secretary of Public Education; wife, Carmen Hernandez N. de Ezquivel.

LIMA PERU CAMPOY STAKE: (May 18, 1997) Created from the Lima Peru Las Flores Stake. President - Carlos Roberto Cabrera R., 30, physician at Farmindostria Pharmaceutical Lab; wife, Liliam Mirtha Pincay L. de Cabrera. Counselors - Neri Martinez Z., 33, salesman for Alianza Metallurgy SA; wife, Carolina Francisca Sanders G. de Martinez. Carlos Rodolfo Anqulo Z., 40, employed by inlaying manufacturing company; wife, Crizelda Valdivia C. de Anqulo.

OSORNO CHILE RAHUE STAKE: (May 25, 1997) Created from the Osorno Chile Stake and the Purranque Chile District. President - Jose Luis Valderas S., 38, foreman for Erminda Saldivia; wife, Monica Violeta Oyarzun V. de Valderas. Counselors - Jaime J. Santana V., 30, warehouse employee for Trown Chile S.A.; wife, Sandra Eugenia Gonzalez S. de Santana. Edgardo E. Huisca H., 34, owner of hair salon and hair stylist; wife, Elizabeth del Carmen Sanchez C. de Huisca.

SAO PAULO BRAZIL PIRITUBA STAKE: (May 25, 1997) Created from the Sao Paulo Brazil North and Sao Paulo Brazil Perdizes stakes. President - Pedro Pereira Dos Santos, 34, human resources supervisor for Ferci Communications; wife, Marli Vizaco de Santos. Counselors - Ademir Antonio Zequini, 47, industrial worker; wife, Minaco Marina Koga De Zequini. Jose Jacob Sandor, 41, partner of J. Sandiez Company; wife, Maria De Fatima V asconcelos de Sandor.

TAKORADI GHANA STAKE: (May 18, 1997) Created from the Cape Coast Ghana Stake. President - Kenneth Kobena Andam, 51, production manager for Wamco; wife, Janet Ofori-Tawiah Andam. Counselors - Freebody Acquah Mensah, 49, mining director for Faecon Ltd.; wife, Esther Myra Arkorful Mensah. Matthew T. Ben Davis, 43, biochemist for West African Mills Co. Ltd.; wife, Susie Rose Slippe Davis.

Stake reorganizations

IQUITOS PERU PUNCHANA STAKE: (May 18, 1997) President - Humberto Vilchez V., 40, shift supervisor for Electro East S.A.; succeeding Juan Zumba Caballero; wife, Rosaria Gomez P. de Vilchez. Counselors - Ramon Pena Encinas, retained. Angel Marcial Garcia S., 33, self-employed; wife, Yeny Zegarra C. de Garcia.

LIMA PERU LAS FLORES STAKE: (May 18, 1997) President - Pablo Martel Pena, retained. Counselors - Carlos Maximo Benites Rodriguez, retained. Jose Dario Marquez A., 37, associate attorney; wife, Maria Carmen Cruzado O. de Marquez.

SANTIAGO CHILE QUINTA NORMAL STAKE: (May 4, 1997) President - Patricio Vielma L., 36, comptroller for Flores & Kersting, S.A.; succeeding Cesar R. Luna Herrera; wife, Adriana Leonor Iturra P. de Vielma. Counselors - Claudio Varas S., 32, assistant financial administrator for CB Capital, S.A.; wife, Maria Eugenia Rogazi B. de Varas. Samuel Colicheo S., 29, sales executive for Cruz Blanca; wife, Marcela Viviana Caamano L. de Colicheo.

SAO PAULO BRAZIL PERDIZES STAKE: (May 25, 1997) President - Joao Batista de Moraes, 51, owner of small transportation business; succeeding Sidney Silva Camargo; wife, Maria Imaculada Alves Siqueira de Moraes. Counselors - Marcelo Saito, 31, clerk; wife, Rosemeire Cristina T. Saito. Marcelo Chamorro, 40, quality analyst for CPM Systems Ltd.; wife, Maria Olivia Cairrao Fernandes de Chamorro.

SOROCABA BRAZIL BARCELONA STAKE: (May 17, 1997) President - Joel Lopes Goes, 31, business owner and partner; succeeding Mauro Junot De Maria; wife, Selma Lilian De Genaro de Goes. Counselors - Moises de Oliveira, 56, electronic engineer for Timkery of Brazil; wife, Zadir Branco de Miranda de Oliveira. Carlos Alberto de Genaro, 31, owner of Speed Films Developers; wife, Andreia Espelho de Genaro.

TACNA PERU LOS ANGELES STAKE: (May 25, 1997) President - Ascencio Sosa M., 53, cashier for Southern Peru Limited; succeeding Rolando Leonel Melchor Alvarez; wife, Margarita Cristina Pare de Sosa. Counselors - Socrates Jimenez C., 29, teacher; wife, Angelica Ynes Viveros S. de Jimenez. Jorge Yangui T., 28, teacher; wife, Carmen Rosario Tapullima M. de Yangui.

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