President Thomas S. Monson and his wife, Frances, made a brief but event-filled visit to eastern Canada Aug. 8-12.
During their visit, President Monson and Sister Monson:- Paid a personal call Friday evening, Aug. 8, on Olive W. Davies, widow of William M. Davies, who was the first stake president in eastern Canada. Brother Davies died June 27.
Attended a ceremony Saturday morning, Aug. 9, in the village of Bath in which President Monson dedicated a marker in honor of pioneers who brought the message of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ to eastern Canada. (Please see article on this page.)
Attended a testimony meeting in the Kingston Branch chapel Saturday afternoon at the conclusion of a youth conference. President Monson spoke to the youth.
Went to a special meeting honoring Gustav Wacker at Cataraqui Cemetery in Kingston the evening of Aug. 9. (See article on page 10.)
Spoke to missionaries serving in the Trenton District of the Canada Toronto East Mission at a meeting Sunday morning, Aug. 10. (Please see article on page 10.)
Attended a conference Sunday morning of the Trenton District. President Monson addressed the conference. President and Sister Monson concluded their trip to eastern Canada by making a personal visit to Montreal before returning home Aug. 12.
Having served from March 1959 to February 1962 as president of the Canadian Mission, with headquarters in Toronto, President Monson has a special affinity for eastern Canada and its people. Such was highly evident in action as well as words. He and Sister Monson had a happy reunion with acquaintances of long ago, including two of his counselors in the mission presidency: Everett S. Pallin, patriarch of the Toronto Ontario Stake and a worker in the Toronto Ontario Temple, and his wife, June; and Stephen M. Hadley, president of the Canada Toronto East Mission, and his wife, Shirley. Brother Pallin served as president of the Georgia Atlanta Mission from 1991-94.