
Church News: Question of the week

As the last writer in a series of writers in the Book of Omni in the Book of Mormon, Amaleki makes an allusion to burnt offerings. What lesson was Amaleki trying to emphasize with this imagery?

(Answer on page 12)

Here's answer to week's question

(From page 2)

Amaleki uses the imagery of the burnt offering - the only sacrificial offering that was entirely consumed - to show how complete our submission and dedication to God must be. When we covenant to live the law of sacrifice we are announcing that our sacrifice will in like manner be one of complete submission and total dedication. Partial commitment neither calls forth the blessings of heaven nor seals gospel covenants.

Source: Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Joseph Fielding McConkie and Robert L. Millet, p. 116.

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