The First Presidency has called R. Kay Holmstead to preside over the newly created Dominican Republic Missionary Training Center. Pres. and Sister Holmstead will be trained at the missionary training center in Provo, Utah, Sept. 23-26, and afterward will begin their 27-month term of service.
Pres. Holmstead, 64, was born in Lehi, Utah, to Rex D. and Laura Gean Evans Holmstead. He married Mary Louise Gillison, and they are the parents of five children. President Holmstead is a former president of the Costa Rica San Jose Mission. He has served as a stake patriarch, bishop and counselor, high councilor, and priests quorum adviser. He spent most of his career as a real estate broker and investor. Sister Holmstead was born in Lovell, Wyo., to Forrest W. and Elsa Herget Gillison. She served with her husband in Costa Rica and has served as a teacher development leader, stake Relief Society president, Young Women president, Primary president, and family history librarian. They are members of the Boulder 1st Ward, Boulder Colorado Stake.