Excerpts from recent addresses by President Gordon B. Hinckley.
Every one of us has an obligation to fellowship those [converts], to put our arms around them, to bring them into the Church in full activity. It is not enough just to go to Church on Sundays, we must reach out each day. I wish with all my heart that in Costa Rica every man, woman, and child who was baptized would remain faithful and active. And that can happen if all of you make up your minds to reach out and help the new convert. There is no point in the missionaries baptizing people only to have them come into the Church for a little while and then drift off. You have remained faithful, and I thank you for that, but again urge that you make an extra effort to reach out to those who have recently been baptized. They cannot do it alone. They are not strong enough yet. They need your help. God bless you to fellowship the new convert. That is so very, very important. That is a principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Only as we reach out to help others are we truly Latter-day Saints. - From member fireside, San Jose, Costa Rica, Jan. 20, 1997
I think I can safely say that in the year 1997, we have, in large measure, kept faith with those who came west a century and a half ago. It is wonderful to come of a great heritage. It is wonderful to know that those who have gone before were men and women of tremendous faith, who counted the cause in which they believed more precious than life itself; that they were men and women of tremendous vision whose dreams were large and whose accomplishments were heroic; that they were men and women of tremendous industry who made the desert blossom and the waste places cheerful and pleasant for those who should come after them. God bless their memories to our great good. May He bless us to be true to them and worthy of their great sacrifice. - From Los Angeles World Affairs Council meeting, March 6, 1997
Fathers, mothers, you have nothing more precious than the little children to whom you have given life. Take care of them. Teach them. Love them. Rear them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. God will hold those accountable who do not do so. - From member fireside, El Salvador, San Salvador, Jan. 23, 1997
There is no need for people to shop and desecrate the Sabbath day by buying things on Sunday. That is not the time to buy groceries. You have six days of the week and you all have a refrigerator. You do not have to shop on Sunday. Do not buy furniture on Sunday, buy it the other days of the week. You will not lose anything if you do your shopping the others days and do not do it on Sunday. Let this day be a day of meditation, of reading the scripture, of talking with your families, and of dwelling on the things of God. If you do so you will be blessed. - From general session, Jordan Utah South Regional Conference, March 2, 1997
There is much of poverty in this land. I do not know how it can be cured without the aid of a higher power, and it is my testimony that the answer to the problems of Guatemala and the poverty of her people lies in the revealed word of the Lord: Tithing. If there is anyone here today who is not paying his or her tithing, I challenge you to deal with the Lord and earn His blessings. You may feel you cannot afford it. He has made the promise, and His is the power to keep that promise, and it is my testimony that He does keep that promise. - From second general session, Guatemala City North and South Regional Conference, Jan. 26, 1997
Drugs are a matter of great concern. There has been a great increase in the use of drugs by young people across the United States, a great upsurge. We are feeling it here. We are feeling it everywhere. We need to work on this matter of drugs and helping these boys and girls. No boy or girl in this Church should become involved with the use of illegal drugs. Not one. They don't need drugs. Drugs will destroy them, they will absolutely destroy them, if they will persist in the use of drugs. - From priesthood session, Jordan Utah South Regional Conference, March 1, 1997
The biggest misconception is that we are not followers of Jesus Christ. That is the constant allegation that is lodged against us. There is not a bit of substance to it. If there is any people in this world who believe in Jesus Christ it is the people of this Church. The Church carries His name. He is the central figure in all of our worship. That is a misconception that has been fostered and refostered and broadcast but it is gradually breaking down, things are changing, we are more accepted than we once were. I think this is the great era of good will in terms of the Church. - From interview with Chuck Henry, anchor/reporter, KNBC, Los Angeles, March 7, 1997
You . . . offer them a better way of life with their families. To every married man [you offer] the realization that the greatest treasure he has is the woman to whom he is married and to every woman the realization [as to what] she has to offer concerning her beloved husband, and that their children are to be loved and nurtured and blessed and brought up in the way of the Lord. The whole complexion of this nation would change if there were greater respect and love in the homes of the people, and you have that to offer. You have the great blessing of the House of the Lord to offer to every man and woman who live worthy of this marvelous thing to enter the House of God, to be married in the temple under a contract which time cannot destroy and death cannot break. Life is eternal and that is the great blessing which you have to offer. - From missionary meeting, San Salvador El Salvador Mission, Jan. 23, 1997
You are very precious to your parents. They love you. They want to help you. Your interest is their interest. Please, please do not ever disappoint your parents. If you do not disappoint your parents you will be all right. I have said to many missionaries all over the world, "If you are the kind of missionary your mother thinks you are then you are all right." You are very precious to the Church. We need every one of you. You are growing up. Grow in faith. Study the gospel. Take part in the seminary program and the institute program. You are precious to God, our Eternal Father, whose sons and daughters you are. . . . You are an inspiration to all of us. May you continue to be faithful and true. - From general session, Jordan Utah South Regional Conference, March 2, 1997