On Nov. 10, 1978, the U.S. Congress established the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail as part of the National Trails System. Who currently owns and manages the designated corridor, almost 1,300 miles long?
(Answer on page 13)
Here's answer to week's question
The Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail, which commemorates the 1846-47 journey of Pioneers from Nauvoo, Ill. to the Salt Lake Valley, is managed as a cooperative effort among private landowners, trail associations, state and local agencies, the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service. A total of 822 miles or 64 percent of the 1,300-mile trail is on private land, 264 miles (20 percent) is under federal management and 214 miles (16 percent) is owned by state and local entities.
Source: "Mormon Pioneer Trail" pamphlet