Assistant or associate professor of biochemistry; send letter of interest accompanied by official BYU-Hawaii application form and employment confidential report, current vita, three letters of recommendation written for this position, official transcript from institution where last degree received to Gary Frederick, Associate Dean, Division of Mathematics and Sciences, 55-220 Kulanui Street, Laie, Hawaii 96762, (808) 293-3808, fax: (808) 293-3825, e-mail:
Continuing appointment for expansion position in world history; applicants should send vita, three letters of recommendation, pertinent teaching data to Rodney Bohac, Search Committee Chair, Department of History, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602; deadline, Dec. 15.
Faculty position in Department of Statistics at assistant/associate level; send application including statement of career goals, summary of course work and curriculum vita to Del T Scott, Search Committee Chair, 234 TMCB, Department of Statistics, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602-6575, (801) 378-4505, fax (801) 378-5722, e-mail: