
Tuition increase planned at BYU for 1999-2000

BYU will raise tuition by 4 percent, or $55, in 1999-2000 - bringing the undergraduate rate per semester to $1,415.

Brad Farnsworth, administrative vice president, said the increase is necessary to keep pace with the continually rising costs of operating the university.Next year's tuition for advanced-standing (graduate) students will be raised from $1,600 to $1,665 per semester, an increase of 4.1 percent. Law School and Graduate School of Management students will pay $2,665, an increase of $105 or 4.1 percent.

The university will also raise undergraduate tuition for spring and summer terms, increasing the rate from $520 to $625. Spring/Summer 2000 rates for advanced-standing students will be $830, an increase of $30.

As in the past, students who are not members of the Church will pay one and a half times the listed rates.

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