Elder Dallas N. Archibald, a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy and president of the Chile Area, has been reported missing following a fishing accident Dec. 14 near Concepcion, Chile.
Elder Archibald, 60, and Chile Concepcion Mission Pres. David K. Broadbent were fishing on the Biobio River in tube floats. They were about 80 yards apart when Elder Archibald encountered rapids and he was tipped out of his float. He was swept around a bend out of Pres. Broadbent's sight.
When the mission president could not locate Elder Archibald, he notified local authorities and a search began. As of Dec. 17, the search had proved fruitless.
"Elder Archibald has been on that river before," said Elder Jerald L. Taylor of the Seventy, first counselor in the Chile Area presidency. "It is generally a smooth river. Even though the river is lower than normal because of a drought, it is still about 40 to 50 feet deep and 30 yards wide." The banks of the river are not wooded.
He said the only turbulence of the river in the area is where another river joins it, and that was the area where Elder Archibald was fishing.
Rodolfo Acevedo A., Chile public affairs director, said on Dec. 17 that police and firemen, as well as navy divers, are searching the river for Elder Archibald.
Elder Archibald was sustained a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy on April 6, 1996, after four years of service in the Second Quorum of the Seventy. Prior to his call as a General Authority, he was a business executive.
During the course of his business career, he and his family have lived in the Philippines, Japan, South Africa, Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Venezuela and Brazil, as well as the United States. They also lived in Spain from 1979-1982 when he presided over the Spain Seville Mission.