Position open for computer specialist to work with Information Technology team to provide computing services to students, faculty and staff; to apply, contact Tamra Baird, (801) 524-8105.
Assistant or associate professor of community health; send letter of application, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation to Keith J. Karren, Health Sciences Dept., Brigham Young University, 213 RB, Provo, Utah 84602; deadline March 15.
Associate professor of political science (two-year appointment, non-continuing); send letter of interest accompanied by official BYU-Hawaii Application Form and Employment Confidential Report, current vita, at least three letters of recommendation written for this position, official transcript from institution where last degree received to Jeffrey Burroughs, Division of Social Sciences, Brigham Young University-Hawaii, 55-220 Kulanui St., Laie, Hawaii 96762; phone: (808) 293-3839, fax: (808) 293-3888, e-mail: