Joseph, having been sold into Egyptian slavery, resisted the enticements of the wife of his master's house. When the woman made false accusations against him, Joseph was cast into prison. After having spent many years in prison, he was summoned before Pharaoh, the king.
"It seems that the king had a dream which none of his wise men nor magicians could interpret, and someone remembered that Joseph had interpreted dreams while in prison which came to pass as predicted," said President N. Eldon Tanner of the First Presidency in an address at the April 1979 general conference.
"When Pharaoh related his dream unto Joseph, he was able to interpret it and to warn about the seven years of plenty to be followed by seven years of famine which were to come upon Egypt, and to give instructions to the king as to what he should do.
"Joseph made it very clear that the interpretation came from God, who through this dream was directing Pharaoh. Because he knew that God was with Joseph, Pharaoh appointed him to be ruler over all the land of Egypt, and in this position he was later able to save his own family from starvation. I think you all know the story.
"Joseph had arrayed himself in the whole armor of God, and God was with him through his tribulations, which he withstood; and, continuing to keep the commandments and to call upon God for help and strength, he was blessed and able to do what God required of him."
President Tanner, in commenting on Joseph's values - the keeping of which led to his imprisonment - said: "It is important that we make up our minds early in life as to what we will do and what we will not do. Long before the moment of temptation comes we should have determined that we will resist that cigarette, that drink of whiskey, that act of immorality, or anything that will keep us from enjoying the companionship of the Spirit of the Lord.
"We all have different weaknesses and temptations, and we should examine our lives to find out what those weaknesses are and where we should put on extra armor so we can do what is right and not submit to temptation."