Members wanting to donate to the Church's humanitarian-aid fund may do so through their wards and branches by including their donations on the Tithing and Other Offerings form available through their bishops or branch presidents. These humanitarian donations are not used by wards but forwarded immediately to Church headquarters as part of the Church's humanitarian fund.
The First Presidency introduced the new form last year in a letter to General Authorities, Area Authorities, stake, mission and district presidents, bishops and branch presidents. The First Presidency letter, which was read to the general membership of the Church in sacrament meetings, states:"Fast offerings are used by bishops in caring for needy members of the Church. We continue to encourage all members of the Church to live the law of the fast and contribute a generous fast offering. In addition, Church members may wish to help needy people of other faiths throughout the world by donating to Church humanitarian projects.
"To simplify the procedures for making such donations, the Tithing and Other Offerings form has been revised. The revised form allows members to contribute to humanitarian aid by entering the amount of their donation in the `Humanitarian Aid' box on the form. Wards and branches should use their current supply of the Tithing and Other Offerings form before ordering the new form."