
Revelation provides guide for life

Brigham Young was a wonderful man filled with the spirit of revelation, Calvin R. Stephens said during a Church Educational System symposium Feb. 21.

During his presentation, Brother Stephen, a member of the Ogden Institute of Religion faculty, gave an overview of the many revelations received by Brigham Young and their impact on the Church and its early growth.Brother Stephens told of an occasion in January 1838, when Joseph Smith and Brigham Young fled Kirtland. As they pursued their journey to Far West, Mo., they ran out of money.

Joseph Smith turned to Brigham Young and asked him for guidance, recounted Brother Stephens. "Brigham Young said, `I looked at him and said Joseph if you will take my counsel, remain here a couple of days, and rest yourself, then God will provide for you.' "

Two days later a gentleman who had recently sold his farm told Brigham Young he had received an impression that he and the Prophet needed help. The man gave Brigham Young $300 to give to Joseph Smith, and the Church leaders pursued their journey.

"Thus Brigham Young had received the revelation for the president of the Church who had asked for guidance as to what course he should pursue to get his family and himself down to Far West. They arrived there in March 1838," said Brother Stephens.

He then listed dozens of other examples of revelations Brigham Young received.

Brother Stephens said Brigham Young saw the Salt Lake Valley while praying in the Nauvoo Temple, and he knew the Mormon Battalion would not have to fight. He also received revelation that the Battalion would be released about "700 miles from where the Mormon pioneers would made their final settlement" - revelation that came true when the men were released in California, about 700 miles from the Salt Lake Valley.

"President Brigham Young understood the importance of the living oracles and revelation," Brother Stephens said. "The key to our success, the key to our happiness, is to stand with the living prophet."

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