
Savior's invitation is because `He loves us, we need Him'

Loves mankind

Succors according to infirmities- Cleanses wounds

The most meaningful invitation ever extended to mankind is the invitation to come unto Christ, Sister Margaret D. Nadauld declared Sunday morning.

"And we're all invited," she added.

Speaking in general conference for the first time as Young Women general president since being sustained in October 1997, Sister Nadauld said: "The Savior extends His generous invitation simply because He loves us and He knows we need Him. He can help us and heal us. He understands us because of His own experiences. The scriptures report: `And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; . . . that he may know . . . how to succor his people according to their infirmities.' (Alma 7:11-12.) We want to come unto Christ because it is only in Him and through Him that we can return to the Father."

She spoke of being lifted, helped, "even carried at times by our beloved Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. He feels what we feel; He knows our heart. It was His mission to wipe away our tears, to cleanse our wounds, and bless us with His healing power. He can carry us home to our Heavenly Father with the strength of His matchless love.

"Surely it pleases the Lord when we, His children, reach out to help one another, to give help along the way, and to bring another closer to Christ."

Sister Nadauld spoke of "her errand from Heavenly Father to walk with the young women of His Church. I pray constantly that in the Lord will be found strength, a beacon, for this willing servant.

"It is the mission of Young Women, and it is our greatest desire, to help young women grow spiritually and to assist their families in preparing them to come unto Christ. Many, many of them are well on their way."

For example, she quoted what some young women recently told her they liked about sacrament meeting: "The sacrament, because it reminds me of Jesus and all He did for me." Another young woman said, "I never come away with an empty heart and I love taking the sacrament."

"When asked how often they prayed, many said `morning and night.' They pray before a test. They pray in the face of temptation. They read the scriptures. Along with their own personal preparation, these young women are found blessing lives of others," Sister Nadauld added.

She related the poignant account of young women helping their bishop whose wife had died, leaving him with four little girls, including a small baby. Quoting from a letter from the bishop, Sister Nadauld said the young father learned motherly skills from the young women in his ward.

"I pray," Sister Nadauld concluded, "that parents of precious young women all over the world will be ever thankful for the stewardship they have to guide their daughters with love. May leaders of these young women understand the everlasting importance of their assignment. And may each young woman understand how blessed she is to be a daughter of Heavenly Father who loves her very much and wants her to be successful."

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