The First Presidency has announced the calls of six more mission presidents. The mission presidents and their wives will begin their service about July 1. The new mission presidents and their assignments are:
Antonio Casado R., 41, Brazil Goiana Mission; Itatiba Branch, Jundiai Brazil Stake; counselor in Brazil Campinas Mission presidency; former stake president and counselor, district president, branch president and missionary in the Brazil Porto Alegre Mission; studied architecture at Technicist School; food business owner; born in Santos, Brazil, to Tomaz and Julia Rodriguez de Casado; married Sonia Milani, three children. She is seminary teacher, member of stake public affairs committee; former regional public affairs director, stake Young Women president, ward Relief Society president and missionary in Brazil Sao Paulo South Mission; attended Technicist School; born in Jaboticabal, Brazil, to Orlando and Nair Ramos Milani.David A. Duke, South Africa Durban Mission; 62, Park City Ward, Park City Utah Stake; priests quorum adviser; former high councilor, bishop, branch president, priests quorum adviser, Young Men president and Scoutmaster; retired vice chairman of Corning Inc.; received bachelor's degree in geology and master's in geological engineering, and doctorate in geological engineering, all from the University of Utah; born in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Otto and Beatrice Taylor Duke; married Hanne Jensen, four children. She is a Relief Society compassionate service leader; former ward Primary president, Young Women secretary, stake and ward librarian, Relief Society president's counselor, and Junior Sunday School coordinator; born in Copenhagen, Denmark, to Carl Edvin Frederick and Karen Marie Nielsen Breum Jensen.
Isaac C. Ferguson, 54, yet to be assigned; Mueller Park 7th Ward, Bountiful Utah Mueller Park Stake; bishop; former high counselor, stake mission president and counselor, assistant stake clerk, bishop's counselor, ward mission leader, and priests quorum adviser; director of Church Humanitarian Service, director of Thrasher Research Fund; received bachelor's degree of pre-physical therapy, and master's degree in health science, both from BYU, and master's in health policy and doctorate in preventive medicine, both from Ohio State University; born in Rock Springs, Wyo., to Isaac Junior and Helen Marie Youngberg Ferguson; married Gloria Rae Bateman; four children. She is Webelos leader; former stake Relief Society president's counselor, stake Primary president's counselor, and ward Primary, Young Women and Relief Society president; attended LDS Junior College of Business and BYU; born in Glendale, Calif., to Douglas Myron and Leta Wright Bateman.
Sheridan Ted Gashler, 58, Russia Samara Mission; Marshfield Ward, Wausau Wisconsin Stake; bishop; former district mission president, district councilor and executive secretary, branch president and stake missionary; vocational agriculture instructor in Chippewa School District; received bachelor's degree in agricultural education from Utah State University, master of business administration from Clayton University, and doctorate in international business administration from Columbia State University; born in Bisbee, Ariz., to Alaric Franz and Hazel Lucille Watkins Gashler; married Pamela Heaton, six children. She is ward nursery leader and employment specialist; former district Primary president and counselor, ward Relief Society president's counselor, and ward and branch organist; graduated as registered nurse from Weber State College of Nursing; born in Tremonton, Utah, to Oren Darral and Georgina Berniece Johansen Heaton.
Michael R. Kelly, 42, Russia St. Petersburg Mission; Orem Lakeridge 1st Ward, Orem Utah Lakeridge North Stake; bishop; former high councilor, bishop's counselor, elder's quorum president, Primary teacher, and missionary in the Denmark Mission; professor at BYU; received bachelor's degree in sociology, and master's in public administration, both from BYU, and master's and doctorate, both in Russian literature, from Ohio State University; born in Provo, Utah, to Burton Cleveland and JoAnne Barfuss Kelly; married Lisa Carter, six children. She is Relief Society teacher; former stake Young Women president's counselor, and ward Primary, Relief Society, Young Women president and missionary in the Japan Kobe Mission; she received a bachelor's degree in English literature from BYU; born in Ogden, Utah, to Ralph Shirley and Fern Porter Carter.
J. Clark Robinson, 56, Australia Perth Mission; North Canyon 4th Ward, Bountiful Utah North Canyon Stake; stake president's counselor; former high councilor, bishop and counselor, stake and ward Young Men president and gospel doctrine teacher; former general manager of Lagoon Corp. and president of Amusement Services; received bachelor's and master of business administration from University of Utah; born in Salt Lake City to Lamond William and Jessie Jannetta Knowlton Robinson; married DeeAnn Carling, four children. She is a Primary teacher; former stake and ward Young Women president, Young Women adviser, Relief Society counselor, and Blazer leader; received bachelor's degree in elementary education from University of Utah; born in Fillmore, Utah, to Jacob Junius and Reba Hana Olsen Carling.