
Temple patron housing in Chile dedicated

More than 600 people gathered on the grounds of the Santiago Chile Temple March 22 as Elder Dallas N. Archibald of the Seventy dedicated a new 168-unit patron housing building.

The new complex, called Hospedaje [Lodging], will accommodate those who travel long distances to the temple, and includes a nursery and playground for children. Included within the Santiago temple district are areas in the far north along the borders of Bolivia and Argentina, more than 1,000 miles away. A temple is currently under construction in Bolivia for members in that nation. Those who live in the far south of Chile have an 800-mile trip to the temple."The facility will provide a much-needed environment for rest and renewal for so many who travel long distances from the north and south of Chile to attend the temple," said Elder Archibald, president of the Chile Area.

Participating in the dedicatory service were Pres. Eduardo and Sister Blanca Ayala, president and matron of the temple. Pres. Ayala is a former member of the Seventy. Elders Jerald L. Taylor and Eduardo Lamartine of the Seventy, counselors in the area presidency, also spoke.

In the dedicatory prayer, Elder Archibald petitioned for a blessing on those who would stay at the complex "to have their eyes, ears, and hearts open to the whisperings of the Spirit; and in their physical recuperation from their travels, be spiritually prepared to work in the Holy Temple . . . that they may reflect on the great plan of happiness."

He also asked that the Church leaders in Chile would be blessed with the vision to see "this parking lot filled with buses from all parts of the distant areas, bringing thy children here to serve thee. Enlighten their understanding of this facility that many groups may arrive here and work, not just for a day, but for an entire week, an effort that will create the necessity of other temples closer to their homes."

The facility is named "the Lodging," based on a scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants which called for brethren in Nauvoo to build "a house for boarding, a house that strangers may come from afar to lodge therein; therefore let it be a good house, worthy of all acceptation, that the weary traveler may find health and safety while he shall contemplate the word of the Lord. . . ." (D&C 124:23.)

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