
This week in Church history

50 years ago

Construction of the organ in the tabernacle on Temple Square continued with the installation of a large relay switchboard, reported the Aug. 8, 1948, Church News.

"This switchboard has over 5,000 small wires connected to it," the article stated. "Some run from the console of the organ to the board, others are on the board itself, and others run to the various sets of pipes."

An article in the Church News a week later, on Aug. 15, 1948, reported that the electrician in charge of the new organ switchboard had been working on the electrical arrangements for a month and expected it would take him four or five more months to complete the project. The Aug. 8 article also stated that 16 sets of pipes were installed and connected to the console the previous week. The 1,365 pipes were in addition to the 10 sets of pipes that the organists had been using for several weeks.

Quote from the past

"A person's freedom should never be suppressed by men, by Satan, nor by our Lord. Men should never be in bondage one to another. While Satan would like us under his control, God does not control the actions of men. He has given us our agency to combat the trials, temptations and evils of every kind." - Elder Delbert L. Stapley of the Quorum of the Twelve, from an address given during the April 1975 general conference

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