Two new stakes have been created in Brazil.
The Sao Bernardo Brazil Rudge Ramos Stake, which includes the Assuncao 1st, Rudge Ramos, Sao Bernardo 1st and 3rd and Sao Caetano 2nd wards, and the Alvarenga, Assuncao 2nd and Sao Caetano 1st branches, has been created by Elder W. Craig Zwick of the Seventy.The Uberaba Brazil Stake, which includes the Abadia, Boa Vista, Bom Retiro, Fabricio, Jardim California Uberaba, Universitario and Vallim De Melo wards, has been created by Elder J. Kent Jolley of the Seventy.
Elsewhere, stakes have been reorganized in Brazil, and in Missouri and Washington.
SAO BERNARDO BRAZIL RUDGE RAMOS STAKE: (Aug. 16, 1998) Created from the Sao Bernardo Brazil Stake. President - Valdir Antunes, 42, di
rector and owner of VVM Industries Electronics Ltd.; wife, Rosangela Rita Mamede de Antunes. Counselors - Joaquim Neto Brandini, 39, mechnical engineer at Mercedes Benz of Brazil; wife, Terezinha Michelini de Brandini. William Jose Alfaro Fletcher, 38, division director of Culture TV; wife, Neusa Matilde Togner de Fletcher.
UBERABA BRAZIL STAKE: (Aug. 16, 1998) Created from the Uberaba Brazil District. President - Jorge Ribeiro Barbosa, 34, mechanic for Fepasa; wife, Mirian de Souza Machado de Barbosa. Counselors - Jose Antonio Lopes Guimaraes, 34, accountant for Wizard Idiom; wife, Eliana Candida da Silva Guimaraes. Gigliano Oliveira Pimenta, 22, laboratory technician at hospital school; wife, Marcia Maria Laranjo Cardoso de Pimenta.
CENTRALIA WASHINGTON STAKE: (Aug. 30, 1998) President - Douglas H. Patterson, 51, owner of water treatment business; succeeding Galen Lester Skeem; wife, Connie Lynette Peeples Patterson. Counselors - James H. Budgett, 47, principal in Chehalis School District; wife, Cheryle Marie Woodland Budgett. Norman E. Hansen, 39, quality control field coordinator for Darigold; wife, Karen Keysor Hansen.
RIBEIRAO PRETO BRAZIL IPIRANGA STAKE: (June 28, 1998) President - Valter Dos Santos, 36, self-employed hairdresser; succeeding Daniel Aparecido Barbosa Borges; wife, Joelma Zaninde Andeade de Santos. Counselors - Leonel
Antonio Pereira da Silva, 37, business man; wife, Terezinha Francisca Ramos de Silva. Antonio Faustino do Menezes, 23, manager of Maxi Frios; wife, Jocemara Marcela Amancio de Souza de Menezes.
SAO BERNARDO BRAZIL STAKE: (Aug. 16, 1998) President - Adriano Mottola de Oliveira, 35, logistics materials specialist for Advanced Technology Laboratories; succeeding Valdir Antunes; wife, Maria Lucia Lopes Mottola de Oliveira. Counselors - Israel Castro Albuquerque Oliveira, 41, finance manager for Coligio of Brazil; wife, Abele Schmeil Oliveira. Vilson Domingos, 41, vice president of Vilson Domingos Transportation; wife, Nirce Dias Domingos.
ST. LOUIS MISSOURI STAKE: (March 22, 1998) President - Matthew Anthony Thomas, 45, vitreo-retinal surgeon at Barnes Retina Institute; succeeding G. Richard Oscarson; wife, Jane Darger Thomas. Counselors - Dennis Wilbert Silva, 50, district manager at E. I. Dupont; wife, Fawn La Ree Stewart Silva. Preston LeRoy King, 55, project manager at IBM; wife, Vaughna "Bonnie" Jean Howell King.