EDMONTON, Alberta — For Donald D. Salmon and his son, Keith, the dedication of the Edmonton Alberta Temple marks a happy time as they consider the future of the Church in this northern city.
After all, when the Salmons first came to Edmonton in 1951 there was only one branch in the area. From that small beginning they have watched the Church here grow into three stakes.
And both have contributed to its growth.
Pres. Donald Salmon presides over the new temple. His son, Pres. Keith D. Salmon, presides over the Edmonton Alberta Riverbend Stake, which meets in the building adjacent to the temple.
The younger Pres. Salmon, chief financial officer and corporate secretary for Alberta Research Council Inc., said he is glad to have his dad nearby. "After a long day I could go over to the temple, show my recommend, sit in the office and have a talk," he said. "I will probably do that once in a while."
The senior Pres. Salmon, a member of the Church Audit Committee and Alberta's former Auditor-General, looks forward to those visits. "We will know each other's schedules," he said.
Pres. Keith Salmon, who was called as stake president Oct. 24, said he learned about Church service from his father — the first president of the Riverbend stake.
"I have always been taught by my dad to accept any Church callings — and I saw his example. When you want to serve the Lord you want to do the same thing."
Pres. Donald D. Salmon, who received his call as temple president July 26, said emotions are very close to the surface as not only his family but also other members contemplate the blessings the temple will bring to Edmonton.
"Every day I drive by the temple on my way to work," said Pres. Keith Salmon. "Every day I see the Angel Moroni statue gleaming in the morning sun. Every day I am reminded of my temple covenants."
During the last several months, the younger Salmon said he and his counselors have tried to encourage members in their stake to focus on the blessings of the temple.
"I am very excited and very humbled. I hope and pray that people will go to the temple in great numbers and keep my dad and his counselors really busy."