
Tampico Mexico Temple facts and figures

Location: Ejercito Mexicano 74, Colonia Loma de Gallo, Tamaulipas, Mexico.

Temple presidency: Gabriel R. Saldivar Flores, president; Roberto de Leon Perales and Perfecto Socorro Leyva Galvan, counselors.

Rooms: Celestial room, baptistry, two ordinance rooms, two sealing rooms.

Exterior: Blanco Guardiano white marble from Torreon, Mexico.

Size: 10,850 square feet.

Architect: Alvaro Iigo.

Contractor: Okland Construction Co.

District: Eight stakes and three districts, with 38,600 members.

Schedule: By appointment.

Pertinent facts: Announced July 20,1998; groundbreaking Nov. 28, 1998; open house held April 29, May 1-6, 2000, with 11,135 attending. Dedicated in four sessions May 20, 2000, by President Thomas S. Monson, first counselor in the First Presidency, with 5,066 attending.

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