
Comparison: Perpetual Emigrating Fund and Perpetual Education Fund

Perpetual Emigrating Fund 1849-1887 Perpetual Education Fund 2001

Many converts in foreign countries. Many converts in foreign countries.

Some converts were very poor and Some converts are very poor and need

needed complete assistance; others complete assistance; others need

needed limited or no help. limited or no help.

Some had specialized skills; others Some have specialized skills; others

did not. do not.

Recipients needed help to improve Recipients need help to improve

selves, families. selves, families.

Recipients strengthened the Church Recipients will strengthen the Church

in Utah. in their native lands.

Emigration agents helped emigrants Counselors, loan officers and others

in their own countries. are helping applicants and recipients

in their own countries.

Recipients brought practical job Recipients will learn practical

skills to Utah. job skills in their native lands.

Loans were made to needy, faithful Loans will be made to needy, faithful

Church members. Church members.

Loans were to be repaid once Loans are to be repaid once the

circumstances permitted. individual is employed.

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