Primary General President Cheryl C. Lant spoke on the influence of family traditions and said that the "most important traditions are connected with the way we live our lives and will last beyond us as our children's lives are influenced and shaped."
"What kind of traditions do we have?" she asked, "Are they mostly material in nature or are they eternal?"
Making reference to the Lamanites, who were "deeply affected by the traditions of their fathers," Sister Lant asked, "Are the traditions that we are creating in our families going to make it easier for our children to follow the living prophets or will they make it more difficult for them?"
She said basic traditions like "Sabbath Day observance, family prayer, family scripture study, service and activity in the Church, as well as patterns of respect and loyalty in the home will have a great effect on our children and on their future."
The important thing about traditions, said Sister Lant, is that "we consistently work to do these things. We will not be perfect at it and our families will not always respond positively, but we will be building a strong foundation of righteous traditions that our children can depend on."
Sister Lant mentioned a ruby ring belonging to her father that has now been passed on to her only brother and will likely continue on for generations. "He passed much more on to us, his children, than a red ruby ring," she said. The memories associated with that ring remind her family that "he stood as a pillar of strength; an example of righteousness and truth. His very life held the traditions that strengthen us today, even though he is no longer with us."