
Elder O. Vincent Haleck: 'Having the vision to do'

Elder O. Vincent Haleck of the Seventy presented his talk as an answer to the question, "How do we, amidst the challenges of our lives, gain the vision necessary to do those things that will bring us closer to the Savior?"

Using an example from his childhood, when his parents desired a bright future for their children and sent them from American Samoa to the United States for schooling, he said, "[My parents] acted on this vision as they exercised their faith by seeking the Lord's blessings."

Like the vision his parents had for him and his siblings, Elder Haleck said the Savior has a vision for each child of God.

"If we are to prosper rather than perish, we must gain a vision of ourselves as the Savior sees us," he said.

For example, Elder Haleck recounted how the Savior "saw more in those humble fishermen whom He called to follow Him than they saw in themselves; ... With that vision, these faithful and devoted disciples were able to do hard things as they traveled to preach the gospel and establish the Church after the Savior departed."

Scriptural figures aren't the only examples for whom the Savior has visions, Elder Haleck continued.

"In our own day, many young men, young women and senior couples have answered the call of a prophet of God to serve missions. ... As they act on their vision to serve, they bless the lives of many and, in the process, change their own lives."

Elder O. Vincent Haleck of the Seventy
Elder O. Vincent Haleck of the Seventy | Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Elder Haleck reminded conference participants that the Holy Ghost and inspired Church leaders can help give "a deeper understanding of our Savior's vision for us."

He taught, "Throughout this conference, we have received inspired counsel from prophets and apostles. Study their teachings and ponder them in your hearts, while seeking the Spirit of the Holy Ghost to help you catch a vision of these teachings in your life."

Elder Haleck also cautioned against things that can weaken vision and faith. Difficult life experiences, busy schedules and feelings of being overwhelmed can all dim that vision, he said.

Instead, he encouraged each person to "focus [their] vision on the Savior and His teachings."

"I know that as we gain a vision of ourselves as the Savior sees us and as we act on that vision, our lives will be blessed in unexpected ways," he promised.

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