
New temple president

A new temple president and matron have been called by the First Presidency. They will begin their service later this year.

Miguel Briones Alvarado, 68, Jardín Ward, Madero Mexico Stake, called as president of the Tampico Mexico Temple, succeeding President Juan Soriano Aparicio. President Briones’ wife, Saríah Gonzaga Soriano de Briones, will serve as temple matron. He serves as first counselor in the Tampico Mexico Temple. He has previously served as second counselor in the Tampico Mexico Temple, bishop, counselor in a stake presidency, branch president, high councilor and temple ordinance worker. A retired insurance agent, he was born in Tampico, Mexico, to Miguel Briones Michel and Justina Alvarado Rodríguez.

Sister Briones serves as an assistant to the matron of the Tampico Mexico Temple. She has served in stake and ward Relief Society, Young Women and Primary presidencies and as a temple ordinance worker. She was born in Monte Corona, Mexico, to Arnulfo Gonzaga Jiménez and Saríah Soriano.

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