
New mission presidents

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Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI

Eight mission presidents and their wives have been called by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in July.

Renzo Gilberto Baquerizo Aragundi, 50, and Isabel Francisca Ortega de Baquerizo, five children, Iñaquito Ward, Quito Ecuador Stake: Colombia Bogotá South Mission, succeeding President Letvin Lozano and Sister Angela Benavides de Lozano. Brother Baquerizo serves as a stake president and is a former stake president, counselor in a mission presidency, bishop and missionary in the Colombia Bogotá Mission. Coordinator, LDS Seminaries and Institutes. Born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, to Lorenzo Gilbert Baquerizo Morlás and Maria Eunice Aragundi Burgos.

Sister Baquerizo is a former stake Young Women president, ward Relief Society, Young Women and Primary president, seminary teacher and missionary in the Ecuador Quito Mission. Born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, to Felipe Octavio Ortega Palma and Delia Francisca Salazar Alcántara.

Max Lynn Checketts, 59, and Donna Lynn Hillis Checketts, six children, Laie 2nd Ward, Laie Hawaii Stake: Australia Sydney North Mission, succeeding President Philip F. Howes and Sister Judith L. Howes. Brother Checketts serves as a gospel doctrine teacher and a temple sealer and is a former stake presidency counselor, bishop and missionary in the Scotland Mission. Academic vice president, BYU–Hawaii. Born in Logan, Utah, to Whitney Roswell Checketts and Darlene Barrow Checketts.

Sister Checketts serves as a stake Relief Society president and temple ordinance worker and is a former ward Relief Society and Young Women presidencies counselor. Born in Murray, Utah, to Merrill Don Hillis and Linda Mae Goudie Hillis.

Alan Craig Herrington, 59, and Janice Louise Kenworthy Herrington, seven children, White Rock Ward, Surrey British Columbia Stake: Barbados Bridgetown Mission, succeeding President Daniel S. Mehr II and Sister Rebecca Mehr. Brother Herrington serves as a temple sealer and ordinance worker and is a former stake president, bishop, public affairs director, ward Young Men president and missionary in the Canada Montreal Mission. Executive vice president and director, Salman Partners Inc. Born in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, to John Archibald Herrington and Ruby Anderson Herrington.

Sister Herrington is a former stake Relief Society president, stake Primary presidency counselor, ward Young Women president, ward Primary presidency counselor and Cub Scout leader. Born in Elnora, Alberta, Canada, to Bruce Thorpe Kenworthy and Alma Ruth Olton Kenworthy.

Stephen James Larson, 49, and Becky Blacker Larson, four children, Caldwell 16th Ward, Caldwell Idaho Stake: Perú Lima Central Mission, succeeding President Alan M. Borg and Sister Patricia Borg. Brother Larson is a former stake presidency counselor, stake executive secretary, bishop, stake Young Men presidency counselor, elders quorum president and missionary in the Argentina Bahia Blanca Mission. Partner and accountant, Grow Rasmussen LLP. Born in Santa Ana, California, to John Peterson Larson and Nancy Toni Nido Larson.

Sister Larson serves as a ward Young Women adviser (Caldwell 7th Spanish Ward) and seminary teacher and is a former ward Young Women president and counselor and ward Primary presidency counselor. Born in Caldwell, Idaho, to James C Blacker and Sheri Lou White Blacker.

Gordon Boyd McGinn, 61, and Ninon Paulsen McGinn, five children, Columbia 1st Ward, Columbia Maryland Stake: Perú Lima South Mission, succeeding President Sean Douglas and Sister Patricia Douglas. Brother McGinn is a former mission presidency counselor, stake, district and branch president, high councilor and missionary in the Arizona Tempe Mission. Owner and associate broker, The McGinn Real Estate Group. Born in South Porcupine, Ontario, Canada, to Douglas William McGinn and Joan Iris Prentice McGinn.

Sister McGinn serves as a temple ordinance worker and is a former stake Relief Society president, gospel doctrine teacher, Daily Dose coordinator and seminary teacher. Born in Van Nuys, California, to Lloyd Dee Paulsen and Neva Nuttall Paulsen.

Juan Ramón Ocampo González, 50, and Teresa de Jesús Torales de Ocampo, three children, Lucerito Ward, Ñemby Paraguay Stake: Bolivia La Paz El Alto Mission. Brother Ocampo serves as a mission secretary and is a former mission presidency counselor, stake president, branch president and missionary in the Paraguay Mission. Regional director, LDS Seminaries and Institutes. Born in Cambyreta, Itapua, Paraguay, to Roque Alcides Ocampo and Guillermina González.

Sister Ocampo serves as a ward Primary presidency counselor and is a former stake Young Women and Primary president, ward Primary presidency counselor, branch Relief Society president, seminary and institute coordinator and missionary in the Uruguay Montevideo Mission. Born in Paloma, Itapua, Paraguay, to Fausto Torales and Felicita Cabral de Torales.

Terence Lee Robinson, 59, and Charlotte Leigh Brown Robinson, eight children, Fayette Ward, Palmyra New York Stake: México Hermosillo Mission, succeeding President Alberto E. Hernández and Sister María Angélica de Hernández. Brother Robinson is a former stake presidency counselor, bishop, mission presidency counselor, ward mission leader, ward Young Men president, elders quorum president and missionary in the México Veracruz Mission. Professor of horticulture, Cornell University. Born in El Paso, Texas, to John B. Robinson Jr. and Rinda Anderson Robinson.

Sister Robinson is a former stake Primary presidency counselor, ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women presidency counselor, temple baptistry coordinator and seminary teacher. Born in Savannah, Georgia, to David Albert Brown and Marian Elaine Pierce Brown.

Paul Richard Sullivan, 60, and Karen Suzanne Cuthbertson Sullivan, five children, Kamas 2nd Ward, Kamas Utah Stake: Ukraine Dnepropetrovsk Mission, succeeding President Jan R. van Bruggen and Sister Frances van Bruggen. Brother and Sister Sullivan recently served as senior missionaries in the Asia Area Office. Brother Sullivan is a former stake president, stake Young Men president, high councilor, bishopric counselor, branch president and missionary in the Hong Kong Mission. Former director of exploration and production research, Royal Dutch Shell. Born in Ontario, Oregon, to John Wendell Sullivan and Helen Mae Lind Sullivan.

Sister Sullivan is a former stake Young Women president, ward Relief Society, Young Women and Primary president and seminary teacher. Born in Kwajalein, Marshall Islands, to Robert Fred Cuthbertson and Shirley Hermann Cuthbertson Passey.

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