
New mission presidents

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Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI

Eight new mission presidents and their wives have been called by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in July.

Scott Douglas Brown, 58, and Traci Lee Bruce Brown, four children, Union 3rd Ward, Sandy Utah Cottonwood Creek Stake: France Lyon Mission, succeeding President Blake M. Roney and Sister Nancy Roney. Brother Brown is a former bishop, branch president, high councilor, stake Young Men president, elders quorum president, gospel doctrine teacher and missionary in the France Toulouse Mission. Attorney, Nuttall, Brown and Coutts Law Offices. Born in Salt Lake City to Lawrence Martin Brown and Marilyn Allred Brown.

Sister Brown is a former ward Relief Society and Primary president, ward Young Women and Primary presidency counselor and young single adult adviser. Born in Los Angeles to Leland Egan Bruce and Glenda Glee Geer Bruce.

Carlos Alberto Casariego Abellal, 60, and Maria del Rosario Castro de Casariego, four children, El Bosque Ward, De La Costa Uruguay Stake: Argentina Neuquén Mission, succeeding President Paul R. Lovell and Sister Brenda Lovell. Brother Casariego serves in a mission presidency and is a former stake presidency counselor, bishop, temple ordinance worker, high councilor and missionary in the Uruguay/Paraguay Mission. Owner/manager, Grupo Casa Riego. Born in Montevideo, Uruguay, to Walter Alberto Casariego and Magali Gumercinda Abellal.

Sister Casariego is a former stake Relief Society presidency counselor, Relief Society teacher and missionary in the Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission. Born in Montevideo, Uruguay, to Héctor Ariel Castro Gómez and Maria Esther Craviotto de Castro.

Ted Heber Frandsen, 56, and Kathryn Evenson Frandsen, five children, Highland 1st Ward, Highland Utah South Stake: California Oakland/San Francisco Mission, succeeding President A. Jerry Meredith and Sister Kathy Meredith. Brother Frandsen is a former stake presidency counselor, bishop, ward Young Men president, temple ordinance worker and missionary in the Texas Dallas Mission. Self-employed land developer and retired colonel, Army National Guard. Born in American Fork, Utah, to Melvin Vern Frandsen and Mary Emma Carson Frandsen.

Sister Frandsen serves as a ward compassionate service coordinator and is a former stake Primary presidency counselor, ward Young Women and Primary president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor and missionary in the Bolivia La Paz Mission. Born in Monticello, Utah, to Leroy Moroni Evenson and Carolee Nordgren Evenson.

Kirt LaMont Hodges, 56, and Shawna Lyn Porter Hodges, four children, Idaho Falls 19th Ward, Idaho Falls North Stake: India New Delhi Mission, succeeding President Peter E. Sackley and Sister Kelly Sackley. Brother Hodges is a former stake presidency counselor, bishop, high councilor, stake Young Men president, Scoutmaster and missionary in the Thailand Bangkok Mission. Accountant, federal government. Born in Preston, Idaho, to Thayne K Hodges and Karen Ruth LaMont Hodges.

Sister Hodges is a former stake Young Women president, stake Primary presidency counselor, ward Relief Society and Primary president, stake Young Women camp director, Sunday School teacher and ward Primary chorister. Born in Preston, Idaho, to Lynn Spatig Porter and Arlene L Neuenswander Porter Larsen.

David Haight Huntsman, 47, and Michelle Rawlings Huntsman, eight children, Monument Park 15th Ward, Salt Lake Monument Park Stake: Washington DC South Mission, succeeding President Matthew L. Riggs and Sister Dawna Riggs. Brother Huntsman is a former bishop, stake Young Men presidency counselor, seminary teacher, ward Sunday School teacher and missionary in the Taiwan Taipei Mission. Chief executive officer, Huntsman Cancer Foundation. Born in Glendale, California, to Jon Meade Huntsman and Karen Christena Haight Huntsman.

Sister Huntsman is a former ward Young Women president, ward Relief Society and Primary presidency counselor, activity days leader and nursery worker. Born in Salt Lake City to Ben Ether Rawlings and Mary Louise Madsen Rawlings.

Daniel Dalton McArthur, 67, and Bunny Kaye Ridd McArthur, six children, Morningside 4th Ward, St. George Utah Morningside Stake: México Monterrey West Mission, succeeding President Edward M. Swapp and Sister Jayne Swapp. Brother McArthur serves as a temple ordinance worker and is a former bishop, ward executive secretary, Scoutmaster and missionary in the Guatemala El Salvador Mission. President and chief executive officer, McArthur Welding. Born in St. George, Utah, to Eldon McArthur and Denise Dalton McArthur.

Sister McArthur serves as a temple ordinance worker and is a former ward Relief Society president, Relief Society compassionate service leader, Church-service missionary and Cub Scout leader. Born in Salina, Utah, to George Miller Ridd and Clarice Taylor Ridd.

Valentín Fernando Nuñez, 47, and Maria Victoria Herrera de Nuñez, three children, San Miguel Ward, Santiago Chile San Miguel Stake: Argentina Buenos Aires East Mission. Brother Nuñez serves as an Area Seventy and is a former stake president, bishop, stake Young Men president, institute teacher and missionary in the Chile Osorno Mission. Public affairs director, Corporation of the Presiding Bishop, and self-employed attorney at law. Born in Santiago, Chile, to Juan Ismael Nuñez and Teresa del Carmen Díaz de Nuñez.

Sister Nuñez is a former stake Young Women presidency counselor, ward Relief Society and Young Women president, ward Primary presidency counselor and ward organist. Born in Santiago, Chile, to Enrique Orlando Herrera and Teodora Elisa Manríquez de Herrera.

Manuel Rios Alejandro, 49, and Beatriz Huamani de Rios, two children, Santa Victoria Ward, Chiclayo Perú Stake: Perú Trujillo South Mission. Brother Rios serves as a bishop and is a former high councilor, bishopric counselor, ward Sunday School president and missionary in the Perú Lima North Mission. Institute director, LDS Seminaries and Institutes. Born in Lima, Perú, to Angel Rios Sacramento and Ana Francia Alejandro Granados de Rios.

Sister Rios serves as a ward Primary presidency counselor and is a former stake Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Young Women president, ward Primary presidency counselor, Relief Society teacher and nursery leader. Born in Lima, Perú, to Adrian Rosalio Huamani Atocsa and Valentina Taype Contreras de Huamani.

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