stake reorganizations
LAIE HAWAII YSA 2ND STAKE: (March 15, 2015) President — Billy George Casey Jr., 60, FM manager; succeeding Phillip H McArthur; wife, Kananioku’uhome Hiroku Kaohiai Kaonohi. Counselors — Vonn Maiola Logan, 55, employment center manager; wife, Colleen McKinlay Logan. John Stevens Kealiiwahamana Hoag, 48, VP of administration; wife, Heather Dawn Sandstrom Hoag.
LAYTON UTAH VALLEY VIEW STAKE: (March 8, 2015) President — Chad H Webb, 50, seminary and institutes administrator; succeeding Scott D. Peterson; wife, Kristi Ann Bronson Webb. Counselors — David Richard Bell, 45, senior director of sales; wife, Julie Kay Richards Bell. John Bret Bitner, 41, physician; wife, Lilian Marlene Recksiek Bitner.
LIMA PERU CONDEVILLA STAKE: (March 8, 2015) President — Edgar Hinostroza Cordova, 43, brand developer; succeeding Jose Eduardo Martines Uscamayta; wife, Vicente Rocio Pilar Trujillo. Counselors — David Rojas Huari, 40, teacher; wife, Silvia Luz Peña Ramirez. Humani Eduardo Huayta, 51, project manager; wife, Martha Isabel Cuba Huayta.
MAGNA UTAH EAST STAKE: (March 8, 2015) President — Kelly Charles Jepsen, 39, maintenance manager; succeeding John W. Huber; wife, Barbara Kay Langford Jepsen. Counselors — Danny Joe Astill, 57, water superintendent; wife, Karen Ann Maddy Astill. George Dwyer Huber, 51, president, Huber Bros. Inc.; wife, Elizabeth Ann Jeppson Huber.
MAKAKILO HAWAII STAKE: (March 22, 2015) President — Mark KaiKi’ohua Piena, 45, procurement and logistics director; succeeding Voi R. Taeoalii; wife, Moana Leialoha Aniu Piena. Counselors — Barry J Magaoay, 47, investment advisor; wife, Keri Gertsch Magaoay. Manusiarao Mafi, 52, business owner; wife, Mellene Malani Pomroy Mafi.
MEXICO CITY VILLA DE LAS FLORES STAKE: (March 15, 2015) President — Daniel Ventura Martinez, 47, teaching administrator; succeeding Victor Manuel Trejo Munguia; wife, Claudia Albarran Martinez. Counselors — Roberto Ernesto Lasa Chavarria, 48, psychotherapist; wife, Elena León Melgaiejo. Jaime Fernando Carbajal Coronado, 33, construction assistant; wife, Karla Frias Espinosa.
MURRAY UTAH NORTH STAKE: (March 15, 2015) President — Timothy Jack Taylor, 45, owner and VP, WCEC Engineers, Inc.; succeeding Richard D. Hall; wife, Rebecca Jane Crockett Taylor. Counselors — Rodney Scott Horton, 46, junior high principal; wife, Margaret Jan Blanchard Horton. Kent Joseph Baugh, 59, orthodontist; wife, Stephanie Morgan Baugh.
PEÑAFLOR CHILE STAKE: (March 8, 2015) President — Marco Antonio Vidal Sanuedra, 58, administrator; succeeding José M. Reyes Araus; wife, Monica del Rosario Gallando Gajando. Counselors — Angel Clemente Pisco Indacochea, 47, translator; wife, Siway Lorena Tuabaco Solis. Jaime Patricio Gonzalez Herrera, 34, businessman; wife, Andrea Herrera Encizo.