
New Stake Presidents

Stake reorganizations

PLEASANTON CALIFORNIA STAKE: (March 22, 2015) President — Jeremy David McFadden, 42, vice president of finance; succeeding Kendall J. Cooper; wife, Rebecca Cristine Cory McFadden. Counselors — Richard Lamar Hair, 49, account executive; wife, Christine Louise Flett Hair. K.L. Alexander Tang, 52, senior technical leader; wife, Mei Lin Sonia Tang.

PROVIDENCE UTAH SOUTH STAKE: (March 22, 2015) President — Robert Brent Johnson, 52, director of finance; succeeding Ronald S. Godfrey; wife, Mary Ruth Ellis Johnson. Counselors — Gregory Jon Hicken, 55, orthopedic surgeon; wife, Shirlene Barney Hicken. Douglas Hall Stevenson, 52, director of advertising; wife, Kimberly King Stevenson.

RECIFE BRAZIL JARDIM SÃO PAULO STAKE: (March 1, 2015) President — George da Silva Brito, 53, electrician; succeeding Marcus Silva Varjão; wife, Shimleidi Christiane Mateios da Silva Brito. Counselors — Paulo Rafael de Lira Janiol, 30, professor; wife, Celine Lorena Barbosa de Lira. Marcus José Luna Vargaõ, 26, political advisor; wife, Maria Eduardo Barbosa de Andrade Varjaõ.

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