The following new temple presidents and matrons have been called by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in September.

Sergio Miguel Anaya Morales and Gloria Elisa Rodríguez Bazán de Anaya, Residencial Ward, Guadalajara Mexico Lomas Stake, called as president and matron of the Guadalajara Mexico Temple, succeeding President Alejandro Gómez and Sister Graciela García de Gómez. President Anaya is a service mission leader and temple sealer and a former Area Seventy, temple presidency counselor, Mexico Mexico City East Mission president, stake president and bishop. A retired schoolteacher, he was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, to Sergio Miguel Anaya Quezada and Irene Morales Acosta.
Sister Anaya is a service mission leader and ward Young Women presidency counselor and a former assistant to the matron, mission president companion, stake Relief Society and Young Women presidency counselor, and ward Primary president. She was born in Tuxpan, Jalisco, Mexico, to José Jesus Rodriguez Munguia and Maria Elidia Bazan Vda. de Rodriguez.

Leonardo Caonabo Dominguez Joa and Ana Lucia Melo Suero de Dominguez, Bella Vista Ward, Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Central Stake, called as president and matron of the Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Temple, succeeding President Miguel A. Lee and Sister Angelica Lee. President Dominguez is a temple president’s counselor and a former bishopric counselor, high councilor, and elders quorum president. A retired general manager, he was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, to Luis Emilio Dominguez Cruz and Antonia Victoria de Dominguez.
Sister Dominguez is an assistant to the matron and a former ward Relief Society president and temple ordinance worker. She was born in San Juan de la Maguana, Dominican Republic, to José Altagracia Melo de los Santos and Cecilia Suero.

Thomas Wayne Drennan and Valerie Jean Wagner Drennan, Charlottetown Ward, Saint John New Brunswick Stake, called as president and matron of the Halifax Nova Scotia Temple, succeeding President Roy S. Bush and Sister Amelia C. Bush. President Drennan is an elders quorum presidency counselor and temple sealer and former temple president’s counselor, district presidency counselor, and bishop. A retired teacher, he was born in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada, to Thomas Alexander Drennan and Minnie Pearle Kaulbach.
Sister Drennan is a temple ordinance worker and a former assistant to the matron, stake Relief Society president, and ward Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary president. She was born in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada, to Maurice Henley Wagner and Jean Myrtle Fancey.

Miguel Angel Fernández Sanchez and Martha Irene Salas Caamaño de Fernández, Naucalli Ward, Mexico City Lomas Verdes Stake, called as president and matron of the Mexico City Mexico Temple, succeeding President Marco A. Cardenas and Sister Ofelia Trejo de Cardenas. President Fernández is an elders quorum president and temple sealer and a former stake presidency counselor, bishop and high councilor. A retired director of corporate affairs and government relations, he was born in Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico, to Gil Fernandez Mergoza and Margarita Sánchez Maya de Fernández.
Sister Fernández is a ward self-reliance specialist and a former stake and ward Relief Society president, and temple ordinance worker. She was born in Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico, to Alfredo Natividad Salas Mojica and Maria Agustina Caamaño León.

Makoto Ono and Michiko Murata Ono, Kotoni Ward, Sapporo Japan West Stake, called as president and matron of the Sapporo Japan Temple, succeeding President Yutaka Onda and Sister Noriko Onda. President Ono is an elders quorum president and temple ordinance worker and a former stake president and bishop. A retired sales and marketing employee, he was born in Bibai City, Hokkaido, Japan, to Takeshi Ono and Tetsuko Tokuho.
Sister Ono is a ward disability specialist and temple ordinance worker and a former ward Relief Society, Young Women and Primary president. She was born in Sunagawa, Hokkaido, Japan, to Tadao Murata and Kimiko Hozumi.

Sergio Saavedra Melendez and Liz María Hernandez Olmos de Saavedra, Pinos Ward, Mérida Mexico Itzimná Stake, called as president and matron of the Mérida Mexico Temple, succeeding President Abraham Martínez and Sister Virginia Monroy de Martínez. President Saavedra is a stake senior service missionary and temple ordinance worker and a former stake presidency counselor, bishop and branch president. A member of the Mexican Diplomatic Corp for 37 years, with his last post in the Mexican Embassy in Costa Rica, he was born in Mexico City, Mexico, to Juan Saavedra Ramírez and Lucila Meléndez de Saavedra.
Sister Saavedra is a stake senior service missionary and temple ordinance worker and a former ward Relief Society president and presidency counselor, and ward Young Women president. She was born in Mexico City, Mexico, to Alejandro Hernandez Torres and Cristina Olmos.

Lon William Sorensen and Marie Ellen Hardy Sorensen, Lehi 25th Ward, Lehi Utah Jordan River Stake, called as president and matron of the Saratoga Springs Utah Temple. President Sorensen is a Sunday School teacher and temple ordinance worker and a former stake president, bishop and high councilor. A retired insurance agency principal, he was born in Oakland, California, to George William Sorensen and Donna Mary Lundell.
Sister Sorensen is a Sunday School teacher and temple ordinance worker and a former ward Relief Society and Primary president, and ward Young Women presidency counselor. She was born in Brooks, Alberta, Canada, to Fred Winston Hardy and Edna Rowena Parker.

Larry John Willis and Sandra Mae Bohjanen Willis, Gayton Ward, Richmond Virginia Stake, called as president and matron of the Richmond Virginia Temple. President Willis is a patriarch and a former bishop, high councilor and temple ordinance worker. A retired vice president of Mason & Hanger, he was born in Phoenix, Arizona, to Kenneth Mills Willis and Lorraine McLoy Willis.
Sister Willis is a ward Relief Society president and a former stake Relief Society and Primary president, ward Young Women and Primary president, and temple ordinance worker. She was born in Marquette, Michigan, to Robert Raymond Bohjanen and Mabel Elsie Junttila.