Pint-sized miracles and lots of love helped make a success of Tulsa 5th Ward's trip to the Dallas Texas Temple Feb. 27.
The trip was the result of months of effort by ward members and Bishop Joe P. Bray. Some of the members had waited up to 20 years to return to the temple. Seven others received their own endowments, and two families were sealed. Forty-eight of the ward's 66 recommend holders - 72 percent - made the 250-mile trip to Dallas, Texas.Ward leaders worked closely with the home and visiting teachers in encouraging families to prepare for the temple. Three temple preparations classes were held. Some members felt they "had been loved to the temple."
Ward leaders carefully planned the trip, and chartered a bus.
However, Jean Croke, who was going to the temple for the first time, missed the bus when it left at 5 a.m. She immediately went to the airport and caught a flight to Dallas not knowing how she'd get to the temple from the airport. Coincidentally, on the same flight was another ward member who helped her with transportation to the temple.
Following a very spiritual day at the temple, members returned home grateful for their experience. The next day, a Sunday, they held a testimony meeting of appreciation. After the meeting, they set family history and temple goals and planned a trip for even more ward members.
"We are ready to make the goals come to pass," said Bishop Bray. "The spirit and power of the temple have become a reality to the entire ward."