
"Wilt Thou accept this holy house as the gift of our hearts and hands," Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said in the prayer to dedicate the new Pittsburgh temple.

Planned as a multistory structure in Federal Way, Washington, the new temple will be one of the state’s six total houses of the Lord.

See photographs from the dedication of the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Temple, with Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles presiding.

In the "City of Bridges," Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf dedicates the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Temple and teaches how a temple can be a connection between earth and heaven.

The Church’s fifth set of 20 operating temples — from Reno Nevada to Boston Massachusetts, the latter being the 100th dedicated house of the Lord.

Latter-day Saints are already seeing the blessings of a new house of the Lord as the Church prepares to dedicate the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Temple.

Elder Bangerter of the North America Central Area presidency presided over the Sept. 7 groundbreaking for state’s first house of the Lord.

Elder Jaggi of the Pacific Area presidency will preside at the Nov. 2 groundbreaking of the house of the Lord on the remote atoll.

New house of the Lord — second in the Central American country — is seen in exterior, interior photos released on Sept. 9 media day.

The Church’s fourth set of 20 operating temples — from Bismarck North Dakota to Memphis Tennessee — came in span of 218 days in late 1999 through early 2000.