
The Primary general presidency discussed how the annual Primary service initiative will help children realize they are an important part of the Church and can contribute in meaningful ways.

Meet the new Sunday School general presidency and hear their hopes for this year’s study of the Doctrine and Covenants.

Sarah Jane Weaver hosts this important episode on peacemaking despite violent rhetoric.

"The other thing that I would hope that the rising generation would always remember, that regardless of where they are, they can involve the Lord in their learning," President Meredith said.

Jenica Sedgwick discusses how the Church makes an effort to prioritize environmental sustainability in many ways around the world.

Over five days at FSY conferences, youth develop habits of prayer and study, increase faith in Jesus Christ, and feel joy and belonging.

Young Men general president and Young Women general president discuss how this important theme can help youth develop faith in the Savior and His Atonement.

Highlights from 2024 episodes include testimonies of the Savior and looks at personal lives and events happening around the Church.

Doug Wilks and Sarah Jane Weaver share their observations from the year in politics, peacemaking, missionary work and the strength of the Church's youth.

Members of the 2024 production share their experiences while crafting performances.