Leaders & Ministry

The 10-day ministry included visits with a South Korea Supreme Court justice, a Japanese interfaith leader and local Latter-day Saints in both countries.

Through small and simple acts of kindness and love, individuals become "flecks of gold to an often-troubled world," Elder Patrick Kearon taught during a BYU devotional.

In the "City of Bridges," Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf dedicates the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Temple and teaches how a temple can be a connection between earth and heaven.

Three stakes were created in African countries — Kenya, Malawi and Mozambique — and five were reorganized in Argentina, Ecuador, Ghana, Haiti and New York.

Young adults ages 18 to 35 are invited to attend and to discuss the devotional with friends.

Social media posts include videos from Elder Quentin L. Cook and Elder Neil L. Andersen on "our love for and faith in Jesus Christ."

President Camille N. Johnson has served as Relief Society general president since Aug. 1, 2022.

Many around the world join in celebrating the Prophet’s life and leadership on his 100th birthday.

Read a quote from each of President Nelson’s general conference addresses since he was called as an Apostle in 1984.

Utah Gov. Spencer J. Cox declared the commemorative day as President Nelson celebrates his 100th birthday.