
City gives excellence award to Toronto Ontario Temple

The Toronto Ontario Temple has won an award of excellence from the city of Brampton, where the temple is located.

Given Oct. 4, the honor is part of a Development Design Awards program conducted every two years by the city, according to Richard R. Robertson, public communications director for the Church in Canada. The aim is to honor and promote quality development in the city.Quoting program literature, Robertson said the force behind the program was the late Mayor Ken Whillans, described as a pro-development mayor who encouraged quality development to enhance the city.

The mayor drowned this past summer while vacationing on Prince Edward Island, one day before the first session of the temple's dedication. President Gordon B. Hinckley, first counselor in the First Presidency, at the dedication announced the tragedy and expressed condolences.

The award given to the Church was one of only two awards of excellence presented, Robertson explained. He said the jury that judged the 36 submissions was composed of a city alderman, a professional architect and a project planner.

A number of other entries received awards of merit and honorable mentions.

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