In “A Companion to Your Study of the Old Testament,” Daniel H. Ludlow noted that Jeremiah. 34:9 contains the first use in the Old Testament of the word "Jew." It is used in the general sense of "being an Hebrew or an Hebrewess. The title Hebrew was applied to Abraham (Genesis 14:13), and his descendants are known as Hebrews."
Abraham’s descendants
"The name and title Israel was given to Jacob (Genesis 32:28, 35:10), and his descendants are known as Israelites. In as much as Jacob is a descendant of Abraham (he is Abraham's grandson through Isaac), all Israelites (descendants of Jacob) are also Hebrews (descendants of Abraham). But, not all Hebrews (descendants of Abraham) are Israelites (descendants of Jacob). "Now to the next generation after Jacob (Israel). The descendants of Judah are known as Jews. All Jews (descendants of Judah) are Israelites (descendants of Jacob) and are also Hebrews (descendants of Abraham).
"Thus, as indicated in this verse, a Jew is also a Hebrew. Although all Jews (descendants of Judah) are Hebrews (descendants of Abraham) not all Hebrews (descendants of Abraham) are Jews (descendants of Judah).
"It is true that the Jews are Israelites, but they are not the only Israelites. The descendants of the other eleven sons of Jacob ... are also entitled to be called both Israelites and Hebrews. Also, the Arab peoples, who are also descendants of Abraham, deserve to be called Hebrews."
Jeremiah stays true through trials, shows ‘absolute fidelity’ to Christ
Israel divided into two kingdoms
By observing the sabbath, people forsake wickedness
Elder Woodruff relates mission to prophecy
Articles on this page may be used in conjunction with the Gospel Doctrine course of study.
Information compiled by Gerry Avant
Source: “A Companion to Your Study of the Book of Mormon”, by Daniel H. Ludlow
Editor’s note: This article was updated in January 2024 to add links to scriptures and other stories.